Training Summary

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Yep that was it....

A)TEMPO Deadlifts
(6sec UP, 6sec DOWN)
Not one of my favorite wods when you have to do all this calculating time on the ups and down.  I know it was to work on our form but I as nervous the entire time that I was hanging out in the most vulnerable spot of the lift.  I also think having to go slow messed me up and my form went to crap.  Not sure if that was all psychological or maybe my form is crap.  This was as challenging for my grip than anything else.

Either way it went like this
1. 165, 185, 195, 205, 205

5 Rounds (each for time)
10- Russian KB Swings 70/53
15- Burpees
Rest 3mins

Not sure why I couldnt go any faster    My first round was the worst @ 58 seconds.  Considerably slower than anybody worst round from the 5:30am class.  Got better for every round after. 

1. 58 seconds
2. 51 seconds
3. 51 seconds
4. 52 seconds
5. 52 seconds

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