Training Summary

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Heavy Helen!

I love the movements in this WOD.   Just when you get confident someone comes along and scorches the WOD to set a new standard. This standard then becomes what everyone is chasing.  If its to far away from a current performance.  Then beat your own time and chip away.   This is what makes Xfit interesting.  Chase a leader or chase yourself.   The end result is the same.  A focus on improving and doing better.   When I got out of bed this morning I was feeling my legs from yesterday but still excited nontheless.  As went through our warm-up and mobility work Coach John informed me that I would be doing Heavy Helen.  Fine by me.   I have been trying to be more coachable - ie not debate and challenge everything.  I figure that is what I want from the players I coach that is what I should be doing,  That doesnt mean I wont ask questions.

Heavy Helen
3 rounds for time
Run 400m
21 KB Swings 70lb
12 Chest 2 Bar Pullups

11:42 - Rounds 3:02/4:13/4:26

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