Training Summary

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Hotel WOD

I had wanted to go to CrossfitAnnex but for some reason my 5am alarm never went off.  Woke up at 6am so I was relegated to a hotel wod.   Got a good warm up and decided to copy crossfit Annex wod as close as possible,   We didn't have chains to do weighted ring pushups.  So Dennis Mahoney and I focused on the wod and added the air squats. 

For time:
1000m Row
50 Pull Ups
75 Push Ups
100 Sit Ups
150 Air Squats

On paper this looked good but it was much harder than I expected.  I struggled on the pullups which i thought i would blow thru.   Pushups had to be broken into smaller chunks.   I lost count on situps and had to practically start over when I was counting in the 70's which i thought couldnt be right. 

finished in 21:43

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