Training Summary

Friday, November 27, 2015

Cascade my hike

Rallied Jack to join Bob and I on a hike to Cascade Mt. It is over 4k ft and one of the 46.  The day was much warmer in the 50's but still expected it to be cold on top. 

The trail was both muddy and icy but completely passable.  We passed one big group early in hike but mostly saw people coming down even though we started much earlier than we did the day before. 

Very warm on the way up we were all just in our base layer but once we hit the open ledge the wind was howling. I ran ahead and it was completely effortless as the wind pushed me.  I quickly put two more layers on.  I watched as Jack took his glove off the take a photo and it flew away over the side of the mountain.  Spectacular views but so windy it was hard to breathe so we quickly went down. 

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