Week 1, WOD 1 - Celebrate 7
7min AMRAP of Squat Clean & Jerks @165lbs
Tie Break - Time at 10 Reps
24 Reps
Time - 2:43
I knew this was one that was going to be tough one. 7 minutes is a long time so you need to pace but you cant be too slow. I was bummed that I missed the last Jerk. I rushed it because time was running out.
Shot break to take the kids to school and then did a test run of wod 2. Even with steps up it was awful.
I tried a moderate pace to see how far I could get. Not far at all.
Death by Triplet” - Complete as many rounds as possible, each within a 2 minute window, of the following:
8 Burpee Box Jump Overs (some divisions: burpee, step-up & over)
8 Hang Power Snatches
8 Thrusters
2 rounds plus 4 reps