I was happy with my first round score but I knew it took way too much out of me. I started the next round and the tank felt empty right out of the gate. It was all I could do to hold it under 2 minutes. Lot of fitness work to do.
As much as I didnt want to do Bermuda Triangle again I was made at myself for not following my strategy. I dont have the rowing conditioning to expect to crank out sub 1:50's at that distance, My plan was to do a 1:58 first 2k and then try to get down to 7:16 or as close as possible and then 3rd round not go backwards overall.
The plan started out well - Did a 1:56.6 and my heart rate stayed under control. 2nd round started off well but halfway thru I started losing steam on 7:16 split and so I went into damage control. Did a 7:23 which was still better than last time around. The last round was keep it under 7:48 and I could even improve the overall score. Nailed it overall. Didnt improve my placing yet but it may help me when additional scores are posted.
I should have taken a rest day before I attempted Bermuda Triangle. I also should have waited until the afternoon
to do it. So with those two observations you will see that I didtn
light this workout on fire at all. I pretty much stunk the place up.
My round 1 score was suppose to be worst case pace for 3 rounds. That all feel apart in rounds 2 and the wheels totally fell off in round 3. Ouch!
Hang Power Snatch. 3x5 at95, 115.. Power Cleans. 5x5 at 135#,155.... Overhead Squats. 5x10 at95 Barbell Bent Over Row. 4x15 at 95# MedBall Pushups. 5x10
1A: Fastest 100m time - 17.0
1B: Total time - 6:00.2
Went for the re-row as I knew I could improve my first round time as well as my fastest time. I put up my splits to know what I needed to beat. I was crushing things thru the first 15 rounds and then things started to get really hard. I wasn't recovering quickly enough and although the heart rate didn't explode it felt exponentially harder. Glad that I did it again.
| 20-Minute Resistance Band HIIT Workout | Circuit: 30 sec. of rest between exercises. Band split squat: 1 set of 1 min. (right side) Band split squat: 1 set of 1 min. (left side) Band biceps curl: 1 set of 1 min. Band squat: 1 set of 1 min. Band shoulder press: 1 set of 1 min. Squat hold with band pull-apart: 1 set of 1 min. Band push-up: 1 set of 1 min. Archer pull: 1 set of 1 min. (right side)
Archer pull: 1 set of 1 min. l(eft side) Band overhead triceps extension: 1 set of 1 min. Crunch: 1 set of 1 min.