"New in 2014 is the top-200 Masters athletes in each age division in the Open will be invited to compete in an additional round of qualification. There will be multiple workouts announced prior to Regionals and athletes will have one weekend to perform the workouts, have them filmed and submit their results. The top-20 athletes in each division will then advance to the Games."
Later that day it was taken down. I had a number of people text me who were enthusiastic about the plan. For me it falls short. I think they should just run a super regionals for the masters - East, West and Central EMEA and Asia for instance. Masters who want to compete have the disposable income to travel. At this point I am not planning on competing this year.
Opted not to do the advanced class today as the planned workout although very interesting was a bit of a beat down and would have hurt my training for the next week. Opted to do Friday's programming and then jump in with the 9am class.
Power Clean Heavy Triple (20mins) Messed this up as I was doing this from memory and could have sworn this was:

Warm-Up - 95lbs, 125lbs, 135lbs,
2(1 fail) @195lbs
I think these touch and go movements are good stimuli. Need to ask John Mcevoy what he thinks.
5 Rounds For Time
9-Hang Power Cleans
6-Shoulder to Overhead
(15 Time Cap)
Rx- 155/105
Its been just over a year since I did this wod. Here is the link for comparison. DT from Dec 2012
My plan was to try to keep the first rounds as close to 2 minutes a round. Didn't record any splits but probably should have.
Total time - 12:26
Then I joined the 9am class. Some good mobility as directed by Ben. Not surprising the longer the time between DT and the next WOD the worst I felt as my body got a chance to realize what I had done to it.
For Time:
50 Burpees to Plate #45
40 Wallballs 20/15
30 KB Swings 70/53
20 Situps
10 Pullups
Anthony was ahead by at least 15-20 seconds after the burpees. He really crushed them. I couldn't really make up any ground as much as I tried.
Total time - 8:09. Would have liked to have done sub 8.
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