Game of Rowers Team
Anthony, Juliette, and KjO
The calm before the storm |
EVENT 1:For total time, each partner rows one interval: 800m/600m/400m/200m, :10 rest between partners
600m time 1:47 Pace 1:29
Event 2 (KJo & Anthony)Partners will alternate for average watts: 1:00on/:30switch x 4
-Rower will be programmed for time intervals and rest.
-Partner 1 will row 1:00, Partner 2 will row 1:00, Partner 1 will row 1:00, Partner 2 will row 1:00.
-The rower will calculate the average watts at the end of the 4 intervals
Event 3 (Juliette & John)(Individual, 1 girl/1 boy)
500m Row for time!
Set a PR even though I sat up with 10meters to go
EVENT 4: (KJo & Anthony)(Individual, 1 girl, 1 boy; not the same girl or boy who did event 3)
50 calories for time!
EVENT 5: (Juliette & John)Partner workout! (1 boy, 1 girl; not the same girl or boy who did event 2)
1250m row for time, switch as desired
Time - 4:06
EVENT 6:(Full Team)
10 minutes for max calories, switch as desired
Final Standings - We didnt place but we were in contention
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