Training Summary

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


When I looked up the last time I had done this wod I discovered that it was almost a year ago on the nose.   Dennis, Chris King and I all did it when we dropped in at Crossfit Monterrey.   Its always nice to have a target to go after as well as a game plan.   What I discovered last time I did this wod was that you are better off really making sure you can go deep into the pull-ups versus trying to score high by doing lots of rounds.    There was a slight change to the plan and John had us do 3 rep max weighted pull-ups which I did but at a measured approach.

# 3 rep max weighted pullups

20 min AMRAP
400m Run
Max Pullups

I wrote my target reps down on the board and tried to exceed or worse case tie my performance from last time.  The weather is still pretty raw so I had on a long sleeve shirt, t-shirt and a windbreaker.  My hands wouldnt warm up so I put my crossfit gloves on for the first round.  Still have a cough which I just cant shake.

Round 1 - Target 31 - Actual 31
Round 2 - Target 23 - Actual 30
Round 3 - Target 21 - Actual 25
Round 4 - Target 20 - Actual 21
Round 5 - Target 18 - Actual 18

Totals       Target 110  Actual 125

It always feels good to beat your last workout.

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