Training Summary

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Someone siphoned my power

Some days as much as you are excited to workout your body just isnt feeling it.  Today was one of those days.  It wasnt a motivation thing nor was I dragging from lack of sleep but damn the bar seemed really heavy today. 

A) FS 6-4-2-6-4-2 - rest 3mins
6 reps @185lbs
4 reps @225lbs
2 reps @275lbs
6 reps @185lbs
4 reps @225lbs
1 reps @275lbs

Really feeling this in my right upper back.

B) SQ CLN 5x1 (not a 1 RM)

10min AMRAP
5 Squat clean thrusters @135lbs
7 C2B
15 DU's

Again this was a struggle.  Usually pullups are in the wheel house but not today.

5 Rounds 3 reps

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