Training Summary

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Early Start

So the intention was to leave this dinner party at 9pm so that I could get a decent nights sleep.  Well the conversation was lively and the next thing I knew it was 11pm.   Didnt get in bed until midnight and then after a long talk with Susie to work a few things out it was 3am.    Feel asleep hard until my phone went off at 5am with a work issue.  I had planned to meet Paul at the gym at 6:30 but I had second thoughts and considered going back to bed.   Decided that it would be difficult to get to the gym later so just decided to grind it out until I was exhausted.   Because of some confusion I am off piste with respect to my training and wont have anything till Monday. Its nice to have a bit of  freedom.

Front Squats - 5 sets of 10
Not good when the warm-up feels heavy. 

That certainly took a bit of the starch out of me.  

Wod 1 
8min AMRAP
30 KBS @70lbs
then rounds of
8 Cleans @135lbs
8 T2B
8 Ring Dips

Got the 30 swings done in just over a minute which was too fast a pace and left me really struggling through the cleans. Was hoping for at least 4 rounds only did 3 rounds 11reps

WOD2 - "Amanda Lite"

Squat Snatch @95lbs

8 minutes even.  This was just hard. 

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