Training Summary

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Crossfit is my 2nd job

The program called for a me to

A) SQCLN - build to 1 RM
B) split jerk - build to 1RM

I combined them as I was not about to drag the Jerk boxes out  or do 2 sets out heavy cleans.  Not sure that is what the programming meant or not but thats what I did.

a.  95, 135, 155, 155, 175, 185, 205, 215, 215 = loaded up the weight for 225 and decided It wasnt going to happen.  Strength just wasnt there today.  Might be the four days in a row or something else. Just not sure.

b.  95, 135, 155, 155, 175, 185. 205  failed at 215.  Big disappointment.  Considering I did 235 last time. 

WOD 1 
5 Rds for time
50 Du's
10 Push Jerks at 155lbs
rest 1 minute between rounds

Double Unders went well 2 attempts at most in each round.  Push Jerks I had to break up 5 and 5 or 6 and 4 etc...

Total time with rests - 14:56

Rd 1 - 1:31
Rd 2 - 2:39
Rd 3 - 2:03
Rd 4- 2:36
Rd 5- 2:36

2 hr break

WOD 2 
15 minutes on Airdyne at moderate pace - 249 calories



10 Pistols - alternating legs
15 Pullups

9 rounds plus 1

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