Snatch Practice - Lightly attended class. I was considering skipping it to to the rowing wod but realized that It was a chance to spend a whole class drilling my technique, which is need of a lot of help.
Sara gave us some good examples on to get the most out of the practice.
I opted for Snatch complex - used this movement series
Power Snatch
Squat Snatch
round 1 I used 1,2,3 rep scheme
5 sets at 75lbs
round 2 I used 3,2,1 rep scheme
5 sets at 95lbs
Round 3 & 4 went to 1PS and 1 HSS
5 @115lbs
2 @135lbs
Round 5 1 PS @155lbs
Ran out of time for more
Did Week 2 of the rowing comp - Home Straight. Consistent but need to gain 2-3 seconds per 500 to 1000.