12 minute AMRAP
500m Row
40 Kettlebell Swings
30 Toes 2 Bars
20 Goblet Squats
10 Chest 2 Bars
Score= Total Reps
(Every 10m on the Rower= 1 Rep)
This WOD started off relatively easy and then it hits you really hard. Slow Row - Unbroken KB and then big chunks of T2B but then the grip starts to fade, the forearms are jacked and fatigue sets in.
Made it through Round 1 - Got off the rower just before 10 minutes mark. Did 20-10-10 Swings and then started in on t2b. Got 12 T2B before the clock ran out.
1 rounds plus 102 reps
10-15 minute break and then we did a 5 minute EMOM
10 wall balls and then max burpees.
Dennis went first and it looked absolutely brutal. I tried to keep and even pace. Need to incorporate that into my warm up or cool down.
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