Warm up 2 rounds
400m run
20 DB lunges
10 DB front squats
10 burpees no push-ups no jump
Front Squat
Every 3 min for 24 minutes
10 sec L sit
6 front squats a 60%max
Row 2000m
50 one legged squats
30 hang cleans @175 @ full squat
This all came down to the Hang Cleans. I was pretty smoked when I started the Hang Cleans and couldnt string very many together at all. I focused on my form and got through them but it took a long time. Thought about stopping at 15, 20, 25 and then figured I might as well just finish.
Capturing the details of my workouts including Crossfit, Cycling, Rowing Hiking, Dog Walking and Travel and other things that interest me.
Training Summary
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Back at Lalanne Fitness and this is a testing week for them. They actually had 4 different things scheduled but we were only able to get 3 of them in, and it wasnt like I was worried that we didnt do enough work by any stretch.
The first thing we started out with was Baseline. I thought at first this was just going to be a warm up but nope this was going to be for time. They gave us 5 minutes to get ready and then it was 3,2,1....
500M row
40 Airsquats
30 Sit-Ups
20 Push-ups
10 Pull-ups
Time: 3:42 Happy with this although my row was a bit uneven and I lost a bit of time as I was trying to program my rower to count down when they said go.
Every 3 minutes for 6 rounds
5 ring outs
5 snatches @ 115
Happy with this as 115lbs didnt seem to heavy, and Aaron gave me some good queues.
Wod 2
5x3 Deadlift @80%
This was when the magic occurred. I would say I am not the easiest person to coach as I am very stubborn and its rare that someone can give me a que or explain to me what I am doing wrong in a way that I understand and can do something about. Coach Aaron is always remarkable in that he can spot something and relate it in a way that I can consume and try to address. Today it was about upper back strength. He has noticed that I have good back position until I start my upward movement and then my chest comes forward and I overuse my lower back or lats to get the bar in position. He suggested that I snap a few photos and videos from the side and to think about doing some strength building in that area so I stop collapsing forward.
The first thing we started out with was Baseline. I thought at first this was just going to be a warm up but nope this was going to be for time. They gave us 5 minutes to get ready and then it was 3,2,1....
500M row
40 Airsquats
30 Sit-Ups
20 Push-ups
10 Pull-ups
Time: 3:42 Happy with this although my row was a bit uneven and I lost a bit of time as I was trying to program my rower to count down when they said go.
Every 3 minutes for 6 rounds
5 ring outs
5 snatches @ 115
Happy with this as 115lbs didnt seem to heavy, and Aaron gave me some good queues.
Wod 2
5x3 Deadlift @80%
This was when the magic occurred. I would say I am not the easiest person to coach as I am very stubborn and its rare that someone can give me a que or explain to me what I am doing wrong in a way that I understand and can do something about. Coach Aaron is always remarkable in that he can spot something and relate it in a way that I can consume and try to address. Today it was about upper back strength. He has noticed that I have good back position until I start my upward movement and then my chest comes forward and I overuse my lower back or lats to get the bar in position. He suggested that I snap a few photos and videos from the side and to think about doing some strength building in that area so I stop collapsing forward.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Rest Day - Travel Day
So the Red Sox finished game 4 just after midnight and I had a pickup scheduled to take me to Logan at 4:15am. Im not sure I should be classifying this as a rest day but it sure was a travel day as I made the trek to the West Coast.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
CFE Recovery WOD
Yesterday was the CFNE Masters event. We had some Craicer's in the mix and it was nice to see Rob Potash do well and place 3rd. I knew he would enjoy crossfit and it is great to see him have success in his first competition.
Surprisingly I don't feel too bad about not being in the event. I originally had not signed up because I didn't think I would be ready due to the problems with wrist and foot, but wrist is now 100% (knock on wood) and foot is not holding my training back too much. In fact my fitness is coming around and I feel pretty good about where I am right now. The events seemed pretty cool but I think they rewarded an athlete who had a huge engine as nothing was particularly heavy. I did all the events just to try them out but I would never use that to compare how I would have done. I didn't do the event so I was DNS (did not start). The one they called "Triple Take" was super important as they scored each segment separately. You really had to pace it well. When I tried it I totally blew up and had nothing left for the next two movements. My bench sucks so I would have gotten crushed in that and the obstacle course would have been tricky with my foot. I have this fear it will rip again so I am a little gun shy. Kudos to John Dunlap, Kevin Unger, Frozen John and Richard Johnson for their performances. Especially Richard Johnson who tells me he hasn't been training at all. I wish I could be that good without training.
Put a pretty hard double in yesterday so my plan was to just go in and keep moving.
30min NOT for time or reps:
500m Row /400m Run alternate
10 KB Swings @70
10 Pull Ups
10 Sit Ups
10 Push Ups
10 Hip Extensions
Just in case I do it again I got in 5 rounds. I had to catch my breath after the swing and I was feeling the last couple days of muscle-ups as my pullups werent what I would call easy.
I want to clarify a comment I made yesterday - In no way shape or form was I criticizing Jarrod's programming for advanced class I was just sharing my complete disdain for anything to do with the OPENs. At this point I am NOT planning on doing the 2014 wods unless they are part of regular Craic programmed.
Surprisingly I don't feel too bad about not being in the event. I originally had not signed up because I didn't think I would be ready due to the problems with wrist and foot, but wrist is now 100% (knock on wood) and foot is not holding my training back too much. In fact my fitness is coming around and I feel pretty good about where I am right now. The events seemed pretty cool but I think they rewarded an athlete who had a huge engine as nothing was particularly heavy. I did all the events just to try them out but I would never use that to compare how I would have done. I didn't do the event so I was DNS (did not start). The one they called "Triple Take" was super important as they scored each segment separately. You really had to pace it well. When I tried it I totally blew up and had nothing left for the next two movements. My bench sucks so I would have gotten crushed in that and the obstacle course would have been tricky with my foot. I have this fear it will rip again so I am a little gun shy. Kudos to John Dunlap, Kevin Unger, Frozen John and Richard Johnson for their performances. Especially Richard Johnson who tells me he hasn't been training at all. I wish I could be that good without training.
Put a pretty hard double in yesterday so my plan was to just go in and keep moving.
30min NOT for time or reps:
500m Row /400m Run alternate
10 KB Swings @70
10 Pull Ups
10 Sit Ups
10 Push Ups
10 Hip Extensions
Just in case I do it again I got in 5 rounds. I had to catch my breath after the swing and I was feeling the last couple days of muscle-ups as my pullups werent what I would call easy.
I want to clarify a comment I made yesterday - In no way shape or form was I criticizing Jarrod's programming for advanced class I was just sharing my complete disdain for anything to do with the OPENs. At this point I am NOT planning on doing the 2014 wods unless they are part of regular Craic programmed.
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Ugh - No energy & worse no interest
Really dragging this morning. Did not sleep well at all. I also have to figure out a better plan for Saturday Wods as I dont like going into Saturday which is my biggest training day of the week not knowing what it is going to be until I am there. I do love to train with the group as there is always a lot of energy and enthusiasm. Pinged Paul last night but he wasnt training.
Warmup - arm swings , leg swings
30 snatches for quality in 20 min
Warm up
45, 95, 115, 135
All power Snatches
I was giving Jarrod a hard time before we did this one, calling him Dave Castro because he as repeating wods we already did in the opens. I am so thru with the Opens I would be glad if I never did another wod from that series. Surprisingly I still feel that strongly 7 months later. I wasnt even sure I was going to do the WOD. Settled on doing it otherwise I would have had to sit around and wait for the next class to begin and I certainly wasnt going to do that.
10 min amrap
60 bar facing burpees
30 OHS @120
10 muscle ups
Given my lack of interest I set a pretty slow pace out of the gate , even worse was when I lost focus and forgot to count reps. Susie and Dan and Rita all finished before me. I was fine with that. OHS werent so bad but decided against trying to do them unbroken. Went with 15-10-5
Got to the Muscle-Ups with about 45 seconds left but needed to find the chalk bucket so lost so time but nothing material. Cranked out 5 straight and then ran out of time.
Total 95 reps
It has become a Saturday morning routine for a group to do the Lurong Challenge WOD between classes and I prepped to Join K-Luv, SteveM and Anthony not really knowing if I would finish it as I was feeling the work I had already done. It started out fine but those Farmer Carries were harder than I expected.
20 Min Time Cap:
Ascending Ladder of
Front Squat
Push Press
Farmer Carry
Ending with a Finisher of 13 Burpee Muscle ups
Got thru 7 muscle ups at the end
Would have been good to do that one fresh but have no desire to ever do it again.
Warmup - arm swings , leg swings
30 snatches for quality in 20 min
Warm up
45, 95, 115, 135
All power Snatches
I was giving Jarrod a hard time before we did this one, calling him Dave Castro because he as repeating wods we already did in the opens. I am so thru with the Opens I would be glad if I never did another wod from that series. Surprisingly I still feel that strongly 7 months later. I wasnt even sure I was going to do the WOD. Settled on doing it otherwise I would have had to sit around and wait for the next class to begin and I certainly wasnt going to do that.
10 min amrap
60 bar facing burpees
30 OHS @120
10 muscle ups
Given my lack of interest I set a pretty slow pace out of the gate , even worse was when I lost focus and forgot to count reps. Susie and Dan and Rita all finished before me. I was fine with that. OHS werent so bad but decided against trying to do them unbroken. Went with 15-10-5
Got to the Muscle-Ups with about 45 seconds left but needed to find the chalk bucket so lost so time but nothing material. Cranked out 5 straight and then ran out of time.
Total 95 reps
It has become a Saturday morning routine for a group to do the Lurong Challenge WOD between classes and I prepped to Join K-Luv, SteveM and Anthony not really knowing if I would finish it as I was feeling the work I had already done. It started out fine but those Farmer Carries were harder than I expected.
20 Min Time Cap:
Ascending Ladder of
Front Squat
Push Press
Farmer Carry
Ending with a Finisher of 13 Burpee Muscle ups
Got thru 7 muscle ups at the end
Would have been good to do that one fresh but have no desire to ever do it again.
Friday, October 25, 2013
No not the National Auto-dealers associations. I just took the day off knowing tomorrow would be a full volume day and I am still sore from Wednesdays WOD. Did I mention that I cant stand not knowing the plan for tomorrows training.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Down to the wire
Up at the Crack of Dawn, unfortunately not to do a wod at crossfit but to fly to NY for a day of meetings. I was originally suppose to have a client dinner but once Uehara ended game 6 with a strikeout I knew there would be no way this dinner would be happening with Game 2 occurring at the same time. Dinners can be rescheduled but a World Series doesnt come around all too often so fine by me.
If the travel gods were smiling down on me I knew there would be a chance I could make the 7:30 class. Made it with 2 minutes to spare. I dont think I have done the 7:30 class but once or twice so when Jarrrod asked the class if everyone knew me - the response was blank stares. How would they know me I'm like the invisible man. Niko was there and I always enjoy being in class with him. Its always nice to train with someone who was reluctant to join but once they start are addicted to the Craic like the rest of us.
400m Run
Mobility -
Heavy Kettlebell swings - quarter, halfs and fulls @106lbs
The WOD was programmed as follows:
30min AMRAP
Run 400m
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 Kettlebell Swings
Jarrod suggested we all modify it as appropriate.
I decided to do swap 2 muscle-ups instead of 5 Pull-ups and picked an easy weight for swings @53lbs. My goal in this wod is to keep moving and focus on the runs.
7 rounds plus 400meters and 2 Muscle-Ups
If the travel gods were smiling down on me I knew there would be a chance I could make the 7:30 class. Made it with 2 minutes to spare. I dont think I have done the 7:30 class but once or twice so when Jarrrod asked the class if everyone knew me - the response was blank stares. How would they know me I'm like the invisible man. Niko was there and I always enjoy being in class with him. Its always nice to train with someone who was reluctant to join but once they start are addicted to the Craic like the rest of us.
400m Run
Mobility -
Heavy Kettlebell swings - quarter, halfs and fulls @106lbs
The WOD was programmed as follows:
30min AMRAP
Run 400m
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 Kettlebell Swings
Jarrod suggested we all modify it as appropriate.
I decided to do swap 2 muscle-ups instead of 5 Pull-ups and picked an easy weight for swings @53lbs. My goal in this wod is to keep moving and focus on the runs.
7 rounds plus 400meters and 2 Muscle-Ups
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Strength Day
A. DB rear elevated split squats
5 sets of 6-8 reps each leg
* rest 1 min between legs
* rest 2 min between sets
* 3 sec negative
1. 2@44 for 8
2. 2@ 44 for 8
3. 2@53 for 8
4. 2@53 for 8
5. 2@53 for 8
B. 5x1 front squat from the floor
135,135,165,185,205,205, 205,215
This was pretty hard as I was very spent for the elevated split squats. 215 was an ugly clean
5 sets of 6-8 reps each leg
* rest 1 min between legs
* rest 2 min between sets
* 3 sec negative
1. 2@44 for 8
2. 2@ 44 for 8
3. 2@53 for 8
4. 2@53 for 8
5. 2@53 for 8
B. 5x1 front squat from the floor
135,135,165,185,205,205, 205,215
This was pretty hard as I was very spent for the elevated split squats. 215 was an ugly clean
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Rest Day
As i said Rest Day - nothing to see here. If you want a laugh go read cyndirellaoncraic's blog - she is very funny. Cyndirellaoncraic.com Blog
Monday, October 21, 2013
Running Grace
Clean + Jerk Tech work
Warm up
For Time:
C+J@ Grace Weight
Run 400m in between
Warm up
For Time:
C+J@ Grace Weight
Run 400m in between
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Last Chance WODing
Super busy day today. Meeting this morning, Birthday party, Errands and then Tristan had a make up soccer game and a trip to the grocery store. So I was very happy when Jarrod posted that he would be in the gym from 4-7pm. I knew I wouldnt be able to get there till after 6 so it would have to be something short. Decided to do the 2nd WOD of the CFNE Masters comp that is coming up this weekend. I even had a number to hit as Richard Johnson shared with me his score. This wod is not in my wheelhouse but I didnt care.
1 min Max unbroken Bench Press @115bs
rest for 30 seconds
1 min Hang Squat Cleans
Round 1 - 30 & 18
I rested 5 minutes and then decided I would do this wod 3 times and see how far my production would drop each round. I knew I would fall off faster on the bench.
Round 2 - 25&16
Round 3 - 19&15
Tristan & Susie dropped in while running an errand and took the photo of above. Tristan showed us what he could do on the pull-up bar. Nice work Tris,
1 min Max unbroken Bench Press @115bs
rest for 30 seconds
1 min Hang Squat Cleans
Round 1 - 30 & 18
I rested 5 minutes and then decided I would do this wod 3 times and see how far my production would drop each round. I knew I would fall off faster on the bench.
Round 2 - 25&16
Round 3 - 19&15
Tristan & Susie dropped in while running an errand and took the photo of above. Tristan showed us what he could do on the pull-up bar. Nice work Tris,
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Better than expected
When the alarm went off this morning I had no desire to get out of bed. I was wicked tired and Saturday's lack the enticement of a known workout calling your name wasnt helping. Even with all that going through my mind I knew that I would feel worse if I didnt workout. On the way to the gym I got a text from Susie with the WOD and it looked good.
I was looking forward to the 20 rep back squat since I hadnt done it since Jeff and I did that as part of WOD. I only did 185lbs then (checl out the post here - Aug 11 2013) and Jeff texted me that he hit 235lbs as a PR. I wasnt sure I was up to try and tie or beat that but felt comfortable I could best 185lbs.
20 Rep Back Squat
Happy with this and felt that I could probably get 235 or more if I dont do 2 sets of 20.
Next was Strict Press, Push Press and Jerk. The limiting factor was definitely going to be the strict press.
95-115-135-155-165. I was happy with the 165 as that is not far off my 1 rep max.
Lastly the wod which featured HSPU. These havent gotten better but they are probably still one of my weakest movements.
Front Squats @135lbs
Strict HSPU
14:11 Totally slowed down by the HSPU
After a short break I was going to do the Lurong challenge with Steve M and Anthony but the double unders killed my foot so by the time I got to the cleans it was throbbing so I called it after 2 rounds.
I was looking forward to the 20 rep back squat since I hadnt done it since Jeff and I did that as part of WOD. I only did 185lbs then (checl out the post here - Aug 11 2013) and Jeff texted me that he hit 235lbs as a PR. I wasnt sure I was up to try and tie or beat that but felt comfortable I could best 185lbs.
20 Rep Back Squat
Happy with this and felt that I could probably get 235 or more if I dont do 2 sets of 20.
Next was Strict Press, Push Press and Jerk. The limiting factor was definitely going to be the strict press.
95-115-135-155-165. I was happy with the 165 as that is not far off my 1 rep max.
Lastly the wod which featured HSPU. These havent gotten better but they are probably still one of my weakest movements.
Front Squats @135lbs
Strict HSPU
14:11 Totally slowed down by the HSPU
After a short break I was going to do the Lurong challenge with Steve M and Anthony but the double unders killed my foot so by the time I got to the cleans it was throbbing so I called it after 2 rounds.
Friday, October 18, 2013
Travel Day - Forced Rest Day
Instead of taking the red eye home last night I flew home on Friday morning. Surprisingly I was more tired all day long then when I take the red and have a day full of meetings. So that didnt work out as planned.
Had a date night with Susie but I wasnt much of a date. I was soo tired I was having a hard time focusing. This was only made worse by how loud the restaurant was. #fail
Had a date night with Susie but I wasnt much of a date. I was soo tired I was having a hard time focusing. This was only made worse by how loud the restaurant was. #fail
Thursday, October 17, 2013
LaLanne visit
Warm Up
2 rounds
200m run
10 Balance board squats
Partner stretch
Handstand walk practice
Wod - 300
25 pull-ups
50 Deadlifts@ 135
50 push-ups
50 box jumps
50 floor wipers @135
50 KB clean and press at 1pood
25 pull-ups
The Floor wipers were the one exercise I had to break up the most. The rep count was left and right is one rep.
2 rounds
200m run
10 Balance board squats
Partner stretch
Handstand walk practice
Wod - 300
25 pull-ups
50 Deadlifts@ 135
50 push-ups
50 box jumps
50 floor wipers @135
50 KB clean and press at 1pood
25 pull-ups
The Floor wipers were the one exercise I had to break up the most. The rep count was left and right is one rep.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Odds and Ends kind of wod
even - 10 Strict Dips -
odd - 10 Strict Pullups
15min AMRAP
5 Pullups / 10 Ring Rows
7 Burpees
Run 200m
8 Rounds plus 3
Adam Show set the pace. He finished half a round ahead of me. Bastard said "you did well for a 65 year old" after we were done. I was steaming after that comment. Not sure if he was trying to be funny or not, but I didnt think it was funny.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Last Minute Decision
Always bummed to leave NEH and it is especially worse when we leave on an absolutely beautiful day. The regular pack up routine but we did get a chance to have a nice breakfast all together before we left. Uneventful drive home even though we hit some traffic on the Boston end. I had a few calls and wasnt sure how long they would last but they finished on time. So I was able to surprise Susie and join her for the 6:30 class.
A. C+J - work to a challenging single - stop when form breaks down.
B. 10 sets of 2 unbroken @ Grace Weight for time
2:22 - Pretty happy with this
C. Annie - 15min Cap
Double Unders
6:14 - Beat my time on the board at Craic. Good effort all around.
After class working on my hand stand walks.
A. C+J - work to a challenging single - stop when form breaks down.
B. 10 sets of 2 unbroken @ Grace Weight for time
2:22 - Pretty happy with this
C. Annie - 15min Cap
Double Unders
6:14 - Beat my time on the board at Craic. Good effort all around.
After class working on my hand stand walks.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Best of Maine - Hiking
Jack and I checked off 2 more peaks on another picture perfect fall day here in Maine. The weather has been amazing and even though the Government Shutdown has closed the Park it hasnt slowed us down. A fantastic hike today up Mansell. We took the Perpendicular trail which is an amazing feat of engineering and craftsmanship. The whole trail was built into a talus slope
via a granite spiral staircase composed of hundreds of moss-covered
stairs. The trail was built by the Civilian
Conservation Corps in the 1930s, and the
stonecutters' passion now seems an integral part of Acadia's landscape.

Best of Maine - Out on the TIdely Idely
Saturday, October 12, 2013
"Unknown and the unknowable"
7am Advanced Class: I have finally realized why I am generally not as excited to go to the class even though I get to train with Susie, the workout is unknown until you walk in the door. I get the crossfit credo of "prepare not only for the unknown but for the unknowable", but I like to know what training we are doing. That way I can prepare to not get up at 7am or to prepare to do a solo wod etc....
Today's wod:
15-20 minutes to get 3 rep max ohs
15 @45
5 rounds
5 deadlifts @275
5 shuttle runs
All rounds between 38-40 seconds
Today's wod:
15-20 minutes to get 3 rep max ohs
15 @45
5 rounds
5 deadlifts @275
5 shuttle runs
All rounds between 38-40 seconds
Friday, October 11, 2013
Sub for Regular Programming
When I got a chance to review the Craic workout that was posted it was so similar to Barbara two days ago that I decided to pass and do another wod. I had originally thought I was going to just row for 30 minutes but then on the way to Craic I googled 30 min AMRAP and up popped this gem.
30 minute AMRAP:
3 Bear complexes*
6 lateral burpees (over bar)
500m row
1 rep is: Power clean Front squat Push press Back squat Push press Bear complexes are touch and go.
Bar should not rest on the ground, otherwise rep starts over (plus one burpee penalty).
7rounds plus 9 reps plus 40meters

30 minute AMRAP:
3 Bear complexes*
6 lateral burpees (over bar)
500m row
1 rep is: Power clean Front squat Push press Back squat Push press Bear complexes are touch and go.
Bar should not rest on the ground, otherwise rep starts over (plus one burpee penalty).
7rounds plus 9 reps plus 40meters
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Rest Day
Walkers carry illuminated balloons or lanterns of different colors. White balloons are carried by survivors, red by supporters, and gold balloons are carried by those walking in memory of a loved one they lost.
Its the first year Salesforce.com has really participated in the event in Boston and the woman who was our leader did an awesome job. We were the number #1 fundraiser in the Boston walk.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats
Rest precisely three minutes between each round.
This all comes down to the push-ups. Did all pull-ups unbroken but had to break up the push ups after the 1st round. In the later rounds it was 10,5,3,3 etc.
Total time 30:59
Round 1 - 2:47
Round 2 - 3:13
Round 3- 4:02
Round 4 - 4:07
Round 5 - 4:43
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Lalanne Lifting Day
Wu 95, 135
Front Squat
1-1-1 4x2
Excellent coaching from Aaron Morales. He is simply amazing at watching me and then giving me 1 or 2 cues and voila bad habit is overcome. He never ceases to amaze me. I could only imagine how good my technique would be if he was coaching me full time.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Travel Day & Bonus Night
6am flight to SF. At least I am now conditioned to be up early so the 4am wake-up call wasnt to bad a shock to my system. A little sleep and work on the plane. Here are a few shots from the plane coming into SF.
Late in the day I got an email from one of the SFDC's exec assistants asking if I wanted tickets to the Warriors preseason hoops game. Oh did I mention the seats are on the floor in the front row? Amazing, sitting 2 seats away from me was the new owner Vivek Ranadive of the Sacramento Kings. Ranadivé is a longtime basketball fan, which started when he coached his daughter's middle-school basketball team. His coaching style and success was documented by Malcolm Gladwell in his article on "How underdogs win in The New Yorker". If your interested her is a link: How Underdogs Win
Here are a few other shots from the game:
Late in the day I got an email from one of the SFDC's exec assistants asking if I wanted tickets to the Warriors preseason hoops game. Oh did I mention the seats are on the floor in the front row? Amazing, sitting 2 seats away from me was the new owner Vivek Ranadive of the Sacramento Kings. Ranadivé is a longtime basketball fan, which started when he coached his daughter's middle-school basketball team. His coaching style and success was documented by Malcolm Gladwell in his article on "How underdogs win in The New Yorker". If your interested her is a link: How Underdogs Win
Here are a few other shots from the game:
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Tired but still motivated
Woke up to this morning to discover the gym would be open before the 9am KB class. I had no idea what my wod would be but it didnt matter. Whenever I see other people doing a wod I generally am motivated to do it as well. Two small snags - most of the group was doing the Lurong wod I did yesterday and the rest of the group was doing personalized programming related to working on their OLY Lifts. Oh well - I feel back on a good source of wods - the CF Masters 2013 Testing Lab. I briefly considered doing WOD 2 from the Lurong challenge of 100 swings and 100 burpees and just felt like that was not a good wod to do after a double day yesterday.
On a 12-minute clock:
0-10:00 Establish a 1RM deadlift.
10:00-12:00 Amrap Burpees over the bar.
Spend the first 10 minutes establishing a 1rm deadlift. As soon as the clock hits 10, begin burpees over the bar. Burpee first, then jump. Both feet must leave the ground and land together.
there must be an equal number of burpees and jumps in order to count the rep. (ie. if the clock runs out on a burpee and you've not jumped over the bar, no rep.
Standard deadlift rules - shoulders behind bar. Full extension.
Did a warm up of 225, 275, 295 and then started the clock,
I then went to 345, 385, 415, 435. I stopped at 435 as I started to feel it in my back even though I had close to 3 minutes left.
Here is the lift.
2 Minutes of Burpees - 35
These went better than I expected.
My foot is still bothering me. I cant wait for it to be pain free but I just dont know if it ever will be.
On a 12-minute clock:
0-10:00 Establish a 1RM deadlift.
10:00-12:00 Amrap Burpees over the bar.
Spend the first 10 minutes establishing a 1rm deadlift. As soon as the clock hits 10, begin burpees over the bar. Burpee first, then jump. Both feet must leave the ground and land together.
there must be an equal number of burpees and jumps in order to count the rep. (ie. if the clock runs out on a burpee and you've not jumped over the bar, no rep.
Standard deadlift rules - shoulders behind bar. Full extension.
Did a warm up of 225, 275, 295 and then started the clock,
I then went to 345, 385, 415, 435. I stopped at 435 as I started to feel it in my back even though I had close to 3 minutes left.
2 Minutes of Burpees - 35
These went better than I expected.
My foot is still bothering me. I cant wait for it to be pain free but I just dont know if it ever will be.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Double Box WODS

together probably over a year which is way too long. I was a bit worried about the WOD because of the 185lb front squats as I thought they were 10 reps. They were only 5 so not nearly as bad.
Glenn Waters Warm up@135lbs
5 DL'S
5 pc
15 bs
10 ohs
3 x 5 thrusters 1 min rest
Run 800m
5 round
10 front squats
10 t2b
100 double unders
Total Time - 12:40 The first 800m took me 3:40 which wasnt that fast but I was able to come in and start immediately.
On the way home I stopped at Craic as I knew the advanced class would be just finishing. A quick hello to the gang as they were on the way to breakfast but I saw that Anthony and Steve were inside so I did a quick hello. Well the quick hello turned into joining them for a Lurong challenge WOD. Those guys are always enthusiastic and have a great spirit so its always fun to train with them. Plus I got Anthony to do a great impression of my man Noe.
Wod 2
50 Thrusters @ 95 4:21
50 t2b. 7:42
Broke the first movement into 20, 10, 10, 8, 2
Toes to Bar went better, did 25, 10, 10, 5
Total time 7:42 the 50 thrusters took 4:21 and the t2b took 3:20
Cool that the wod was captured on video by the one and only Dickson Boston!
Friday, October 4, 2013
More Old School Metcons
Im loving all of the old school metcons we have been doing. Today's were really good. I just wish that we had done them in the reverse order so I was more fresh for the burpees. I must have looked like a true Geriatric doing some kind of one knee down first. Anthony was working at the station right next to me and he would get ahead of me in the burpees and then I would pull close again during the sit-ups. Not sure what happened to my burpees but I used to be decent at them now I move like some kind if cripple.
First WOD was good. Kind of a variation of Cindy. Pullups were easy, pushups were straight through until round 9.
WOD 1 - 10 rounds 11 reps
WOD 2 - 6 Rounds 1 rep
First WOD was good. Kind of a variation of Cindy. Pullups were easy, pushups were straight through until round 9.
WOD 1 - 10 rounds 11 reps
WOD 2 - 6 Rounds 1 rep
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Old School Metcon
I really like these kind of Metcons. Brings back fond memories of 3x1 mile at CFNE. Those were always brutal and you killed yourself to get on the scoreboard.
1 mile run
10min Mobility
2000m Row
10min Mobility
5 min Double Unders
Started with the run and felt really good but didnt have a sense for the pace. No one in my group really pushed me. Was hoping Dave C or Rob P was in the group as I would have someone to chase. Finished the run but wasnt ruined.
Time 6:53
2000m Row - Tried to stay very consistent. Didnt kill myself. Probably started a bit to quick. Next time I think I should start at 1:55 and then in the 2 and 3rd 500m segments really push hard.

On the 5 minute double unders my rhythm was good but my arms got tired and I became winded. I kept going past the 5 minute mark but probably should not have as it was very hard on my foot.
1 mile run
10min Mobility
2000m Row
10min Mobility
5 min Double Unders
Started with the run and felt really good but didnt have a sense for the pace. No one in my group really pushed me. Was hoping Dave C or Rob P was in the group as I would have someone to chase. Finished the run but wasnt ruined.
Time 6:53
2000m Row - Tried to stay very consistent. Didnt kill myself. Probably started a bit to quick. Next time I think I should start at 1:55 and then in the 2 and 3rd 500m segments really push hard.
On the 5 minute double unders my rhythm was good but my arms got tired and I became winded. I kept going past the 5 minute mark but probably should not have as it was very hard on my foot.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Jam packed 5:30am class. Elected to go outside for the wod.
20min AMRAP
10 Push Press
10 KB Swings
10 Box Jumps
RX- 115/85, 53/35, 24"/20"
9 Rounds. The Push Press got heavy but I was able to do all of the movements unbroken.
20min AMRAP
10 Push Press
10 KB Swings
10 Box Jumps
RX- 115/85, 53/35, 24"/20"
9 Rounds. The Push Press got heavy but I was able to do all of the movements unbroken.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Travel Day
Took a rest day because I had to go up to Toronto for the day. In the picture below if you look very closely you can see the top of the CN Tower above the clouds. So cool.
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