Training Summary

Friday, October 4, 2013

More Old School Metcons

Im loving all of the old school metcons we have been doing.   Today's were really good.   I just wish that we had done them in the reverse order so I was more fresh for the burpees.  I must have looked like a true Geriatric doing some kind of one knee down first.   Anthony was working at the station right next to me and he would get ahead of me in the burpees and then I would pull close again during the sit-ups.    Not sure what happened to my burpees but I used to be decent at them now I move like some kind if cripple.  

First WOD was good.  Kind of a variation of Cindy.   Pullups were easy, pushups were straight through until round 9. 

WOD 1  - 10 rounds 11 reps

WOD 2 - 6 Rounds 1 rep

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