A1. Back Squat
RX- 5x5
INT- 5x8
BEG- 5x10
A2. Muscle-up/Pullup Progressions - you pick the reps and progression you are currently working on
Back Squat:
I did Handstand holds and walks versus Muscle-Ups
I have been back in to see Dr Gale since I was home. Working on my foot, upper shoulder and back.
Here is what happens when you break down scar tissue with a graston technique tool.
Capturing the details of my workouts including Crossfit, Cycling, Rowing Hiking, Dog Walking and Travel and other things that interest me.
Training Summary
Monday, September 30, 2013
Sunday, September 29, 2013
On the Water
The travel caught up with me and I got a good hard rest last night. Goal for today was to just move my body without putting it through something very intense. Tris and I went over to the Charles River and rented a two person kayak.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
We started with 3 position snatches. Hit all 3 positions 3 times without putting the bar down. My form was good at the lighter weights but when I got to 125lbs I was not getting under the bar and i was pressing out the last bit.
I knew I was in for trouble on the WOD and considered just doing it half ass or not at all but then decided to do what I could do.
The Thruster - Pull-Up one went ok - Got 3 rounds plus 10 but I knew I was in trouble when I felt that burn wash across my chest and lungs. The sign of going over the red line. By the next cycle all I could do was look at the bar for the first minute I was completely fried. I got 1 round and was still tired when we started to hit the last movement. This went a little better but not much. 2 Rounds.
Off the the Rodman Ride. I was excited to be doing it because Jack was going along. Not surprisingly the day of the ride he was very reluctant and had changed his mind. He would also be riding a road bike for the first time which was a big deal. I probably should not have made him do this but it is so much easier. Not surprisingly 8 miles in he was fine and having a good time. We moved along fairly well which was great and it was a beautiful day all around.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Week in Germany and Switzerland
Didnt train this week because of the injury but I am not certain that I would have been able to even if healthy. I flew to Munich on the overnight and then hit the ground running. We had a full day of meetings and then a Charity Volleyball tournament. The next day the first meeting was at 7:30 and ended at 11:30 at Octoberfest. The next day we left the hotel at 6am to fly to Frankfurt for a few meetings and then on to Switzerland. Checked in to hotel, did a phone call and then off to a team dinner. Friday I didnt start until 8am but had been up from 3-5am so I was still dragging.

Sunday, September 22, 2013
Active Recovery
Was planning on just resting but decided to join Susie at Mobility class. I could barely do a squat when I got in there today but by the time I left I was feeling a lot better. What really worked for me was using a band around my right ankle and just putting it under traction. It seemed to help my lower back and my hip flexor
I had bought tickets so that we could take a few kids and Tris to the Sox game as a post birthday celebration. It was very grim this morning but it turned into an amazing sunny and warm day. They honored Yaz with a statue outside the park and a nice on field ceremony before the game.
Here are a few shots from our seats in the State Street Club Level.
I had bought tickets so that we could take a few kids and Tris to the Sox game as a post birthday celebration. It was very grim this morning but it turned into an amazing sunny and warm day. They honored Yaz with a statue outside the park and a nice on field ceremony before the game.
Here are a few shots from our seats in the State Street Club Level.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Durability comparison - Durocher vs Ellsbury.
I was bummed that I couldnt do the charity run that Jack Daly organizes every year in memory of his sister. Excited that Susie was up and out and excited to do it especially because the course is very
challenging. Im a bit selfish in that I really cant stand going and watching something that I really want to be doing. It eats at me when I cant compete because Im hurt and I had no desire to stand around explaining why my back is screwed up. I cant believe how many injuries I have had over the last 6 months after such a long run of durability! I feel like I am turning into Jacoby Ellsbury.
challenging. Im a bit selfish in that I really cant stand going and watching something that I really want to be doing. It eats at me when I cant compete because Im hurt and I had no desire to stand around explaining why my back is screwed up. I cant believe how many injuries I have had over the last 6 months after such a long run of durability! I feel like I am turning into Jacoby Ellsbury.
Friday, September 20, 2013
Rest Day
Got a chance to travel the easier way last night and hitched a ride with the new President who lives in Boston on his private jet service. He was great as he asked me if I had planned on relaxing or sleeping and said that I should because he was not going to make it a 4 hour ops review. I was happy to talk shop as its rare that I will get that much time with my bosses boss. Was hoping to finish my mid year write-ups but didnt get to it. Busy day across the board.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Holy Broken Psoas
Woke up this morning and my psoas and SI joint were completely f**cked. I could not even put my socks on. Some serious pain from riding that mechanical bull. I had no idea at the time that I had even hurt myself.
Here are a few photos of me on the bull.
Dennis and I started even earlier today determined to do the full hike and be done in time to get to Cactus Crossfit. We started at 4:15 and I was able to keep a steady pace as walking didnt really bother my back. It was great to be on the mountain all by ourselves and we didnt even see a another headlamp until we were at the top. A couple came flying up and ended catching us on the way down. They were extremely quick in the steep sections which was pretty amazing.
We went to Cactus Crossfit and I did the first part of the workouts but opted out of the second part because of my back.
3 Sets of Front Racked alternating reverse lunges. 8 to 10 reps
75,85 and 135lbs
rest 2 minutes
Weighted Pull-ups 3 reps
25, 35, 45lbs
I rode the airdyne for 11 minutes while the class did the wod.
Here are a few photos of me on the bull.
Dennis and I started even earlier today determined to do the full hike and be done in time to get to Cactus Crossfit. We started at 4:15 and I was able to keep a steady pace as walking didnt really bother my back. It was great to be on the mountain all by ourselves and we didnt even see a another headlamp until we were at the top. A couple came flying up and ended catching us on the way down. They were extremely quick in the steep sections which was pretty amazing.
We went to Cactus Crossfit and I did the first part of the workouts but opted out of the second part because of my back.
3 Sets of Front Racked alternating reverse lunges. 8 to 10 reps
75,85 and 135lbs
rest 2 minutes
Weighted Pull-ups 3 reps
25, 35, 45lbs
I rode the airdyne for 11 minutes while the class did the wod.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Pre-dawn Hike
Fife came and picked us up to do Camelback at 4:30am. I have done Camelback plenty of times but never the Cholla Trail to the top. Weather was perfect only in the 80s with a very nice breeze. It was surreal going up in the dark. You have no idea how far you have gone or where the path is. It was just getting bright by the time we reached the top. We had a fairly big group - Dennis, Chris, Nick and Adam but we got spread out pretty quickly. The night sky was spectacular. The Moon was a huge orange ball. The photos I took dont do it justice.
We were hoping to get done in time to go to Crossfit but we ran out of time. So I did a quick WOD in the hotel gym
6:20 I think I cut 30 seconds off what I did in Hawaii. Felt pretty good.
We were hoping to get done in time to go to Crossfit but we ran out of time. So I did a quick WOD in the hotel gym
6:20 I think I cut 30 seconds off what I did in Hawaii. Felt pretty good.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Crossfit Cactus
Dennis, Chris, Nick and I did the short drive from the Phoenician to Crossfit Cactus. We arrived way before it opened. We received a warm up welcome from both of the coaches and Susie's cousin Fife. The circled everyone up and had everyone introduce themselves not just once but twice. From there we went through a fantastic warm up.
400m run, trunk turns, arm movements and then dynamic warm up.
Sets of 3 squat snatch
Got a lot of attention and cueing from the coaches. Stayed relatively light and just worked on trying to be faster when the bar hit high pockets.
10 minute EMOM
3 reps Power Snatch @135lbs
6 toes to bar
9 box jumps
I had to skip 3 rounds since I didn't finish within the minute.
7 rounds
After the WOD they had everyone circle up again Anne fist bump and say CrossFit Cactus. Pretty cool.
Probably the friendliest gym that I have trained at.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Monday Rest Day
4am alarm to get ready for a 6am to Phoenix for the worldwide manager meeting. I knew it would be hot in Phoenix but I had no idea it would be over 100degrees. Long day. John Huntsman the former governor of Utah and ambassador of China was the guest speaker. Its always a challenge to eat healthy as you are constantly bombarded with all kinds of food you shouldnt be eating. I decided to stack up the good and bad to help me make my choice:
Good vs Evil |
Here is a photo from my room. |
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Sunday Funday
Not quite sure what I was going to do but knew I had to do some strength work. I have decided when I do these lifts to try and do sets without dropping the bar. Do as much touch and go as possible. It really takes the starch out of me.
Squat Clean and Jerks
5@135lbs no dropping
5@155lbs no dropping
5@175lbs no dropping
3 cleans @195 dropped
2 jerks @195 dropped
This wod was posted by Patrick Mcarty on the CF Massters 2013 Testing Lab Facebook page last night. Couldnt get anyone to do it with me so did it solo just like the old times.
6 min amrap
10 hand stand push-ups
15 box jumps to 24" box
20 shoulder to overhead @155lbs
25 pull-ups
30 double unders
The toughest and slowest part was the SOH. I had to break up into 6-7-5-2. On the pull-ups I went 20-5. I had 45 seconds to get 30 and finished those with 8 seconds but wasn't ready for a HSPU. 1 round was all I could muster.
In the afternoon Jack, Tris and I took a walk in the Arnold Arboretum. Here are a few shots from the stroll:
Squat Clean and Jerks
5@135lbs no dropping
5@155lbs no dropping
5@175lbs no dropping
3 cleans @195 dropped
2 jerks @195 dropped
This wod was posted by Patrick Mcarty on the CF Massters 2013 Testing Lab Facebook page last night. Couldnt get anyone to do it with me so did it solo just like the old times.
6 min amrap
10 hand stand push-ups
15 box jumps to 24" box
20 shoulder to overhead @155lbs
25 pull-ups
30 double unders
The toughest and slowest part was the SOH. I had to break up into 6-7-5-2. On the pull-ups I went 20-5. I had 45 seconds to get 30 and finished those with 8 seconds but wasn't ready for a HSPU. 1 round was all I could muster.
In the afternoon Jack, Tris and I took a walk in the Arnold Arboretum. Here are a few shots from the stroll:
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Saturday beatdown
Saturday beatdown
Warm up
Power Snatch @ 75% of max165lbs at 115.5lbs
Wall walks
I realized after I had done it that it called
20 min amrap
400m run
15 pull-ups
15 squats
15 pike sit-ups
6 rounds +200
Warm up
Power Snatch @ 75% of max165lbs at 115.5lbs
Wall walks
I realized after I had done it that it called
20 min amrap
400m run
15 pull-ups
15 squats
15 pike sit-ups
6 rounds +200
Friday, September 13, 2013
Kind of Helen
Warm-up - 400m run. Anthony and I went head to head in the warmup. We really pushed the pace. We then did a shoulder and hamstring stretch.
5 rounds
400m run
21 KBS @55lbs
12 pull-ups
Round 1 - 2:33
Round 2 - 2:43
Round 3 - 3:06
Round 4 - 3:38
Round 5 - 3:30
This one really took a lot of me and was off of my PR time for Helen even with the rest.
5 rounds
400m run
21 KBS @55lbs
12 pull-ups
Round 1 - 2:33
Round 2 - 2:43
Round 3 - 3:06
Round 4 - 3:38
Round 5 - 3:30
This one really took a lot of me and was off of my PR time for Helen even with the rest.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Row for pain
10 Rounds of
1 min AD for Max Calories
Rest 2 minutes
I went to the 5:30 class and we had a big turnout so I ended up rowing instead of doing the Airdyne.
This was a great wod. I completely buried myself every round and could barely walk around and then had two minutes to recover and do it again.
Round | Meters | Calories | Pace |
1 | 340 | 34 | 01:28.2 |
2 | 327 | 30 | 01:31.7 |
3 | 305 | 26 | 01:38.3 |
4 | 300 | 25 | 01:40.0 |
5 | 312 | 27 | 01:36.1 |
6 | 296 | 24 | 01:41.3 |
7 | 299 | 24 | 01:40.3 |
8 | 293 | 23 | 01:42.3 |
9 | 313 | 27 | 01:35.8 |
10 | 299 | 24 | 01:40.3 |
Total | 3084 | 264 |
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Dos a Cero!
Rest Day and Travel Day today
What a great experience watching US vs Mexico in Columbus last night. The atmosphere was fantastic. The fans stood the whole game and sang songs and chanted.
What a great experience watching US vs Mexico in Columbus last night. The atmosphere was fantastic. The fans stood the whole game and sang songs and chanted.
10 min amrap
Turkish get ups alternating arms
75lb barbell
Rest 3 min
10 min amrap
Hand stand walks
This is getting better. I held the handstand for a good period. Confidence is rising. Just need to keep practicing
Rest 3 min
10 min amrap
Farmers walk for distance
2@ 70lbs 400 plus meters
This last wod was horrible. I felt great to the court house and then had to stop 3 or 4 times on the way back and then it got really heavy and hard.
10 min amrap
Turkish get ups alternating arms
75lb barbell
Rest 3 min
10 min amrap
Hand stand walks
This is getting better. I held the handstand for a good period. Confidence is rising. Just need to keep practicing
Rest 3 min
10 min amrap
Farmers walk for distance
2@ 70lbs 400 plus meters
This last wod was horrible. I felt great to the court house and then had to stop 3 or 4 times on the way back and then it got really heavy and hard.
Monday, September 9, 2013
Monday blues
Monday blues
Squat Snatch practice - 20 Minutes
Bar ,95,95,95,115,115,135
This was a fun WOD. OHS are much easier than Thrusters. Almost my best Fran time. I dont think I would even be close on that right now. Having a good time just coming in and doing the wods. Keeping it simple is working for me right now with everything else going on.
Squat Snatch practice - 20 Minutes
Bar ,95,95,95,115,115,135
This was a fun WOD. OHS are much easier than Thrusters. Almost my best Fran time. I dont think I would even be close on that right now. Having a good time just coming in and doing the wods. Keeping it simple is working for me right now with everything else going on.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Active Rest
I had planned to go in an do the KB class or do open gym but Jack suggested that we should get a ride in early as he had a lot of homework to do. Bluebird sky and in the low 70's. Couldnt have asked for a nicer day.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Comp class
Comp class
20 min
95,135,155,165,185,195,205 fail 210 on high
Box jumps
Ohs @95lbs
Row 3 minutes 64
Wall balls
SDLHP @70lbs
Stayed after the Advanced Class to do the 9am regular class. Probably should have eaten something but at least I drank a lot of water.
Team wod
Wall Balls
400m run with ball
400m run with ball
400m run
Teamed up with Rob Potash. We were in 3rd place after the wall balls and couldnt gain anything on the run. We moved into first after the situps but it was very close. We pulled away on the push-ups. Anthony and Steve Mammone were pushing us hard.
Afternoon Ride with Jack around Dedham after Tris' Soccer Game:
20 min
95,135,155,165,185,195,205 fail 210 on high
Box jumps
Ohs @95lbs
Row 3 minutes 64
Wall balls
SDLHP @70lbs
Stayed after the Advanced Class to do the 9am regular class. Probably should have eaten something but at least I drank a lot of water.
Team wod
Wall Balls
400m run with ball
400m run with ball
400m run
Teamed up with Rob Potash. We were in 3rd place after the wall balls and couldnt gain anything on the run. We moved into first after the situps but it was very close. We pulled away on the push-ups. Anthony and Steve Mammone were pushing us hard.
Afternoon Ride with Jack around Dedham after Tris' Soccer Game:
Friday, September 6, 2013
Friday TG
Friday TG
Hand stands and hand stand walk practice. I have not focused on this as much as I should. For some reason I find this hard to do in the gym with lots of people. I dont know if I get distracted or just freaked out by people moving in and out and not having a "clear" lane. Jarrod came over and suggested that I get my hip father forward and he took a video to show what he meant. It was in that attempt I actually got it right. Funny that I could do it when the camera was on me.
3 rounds
15 hang cleans @15lbs Rx was 135
15 burpees
Anthony had smoked this workout = he did it in 5:07. I have decided that I dont like to have to chase a number but do better when I can do my thing first. We had a chance to warm up after the Hand Stand Walks and i went up to 155 and didnt feel bad. Jarrod said go ahead and do that weight. Wondering how I would have done if I had done prescribed. It is great to see what a badass Anthony has become. What is even more amazing is how durable he is. He can do multiple workouts in a day and never seems tired. The man is a beast.
Hand stands and hand stand walk practice. I have not focused on this as much as I should. For some reason I find this hard to do in the gym with lots of people. I dont know if I get distracted or just freaked out by people moving in and out and not having a "clear" lane. Jarrod came over and suggested that I get my hip father forward and he took a video to show what he meant. It was in that attempt I actually got it right. Funny that I could do it when the camera was on me.
3 rounds
15 hang cleans @15lbs Rx was 135
15 burpees
Anthony had smoked this workout = he did it in 5:07. I have decided that I dont like to have to chase a number but do better when I can do my thing first. We had a chance to warm up after the Hand Stand Walks and i went up to 155 and didnt feel bad. Jarrod said go ahead and do that weight. Wondering how I would have done if I had done prescribed. It is great to see what a badass Anthony has become. What is even more amazing is how durable he is. He can do multiple workouts in a day and never seems tired. The man is a beast.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Rest Day
Jack and I got a short mountain bike ride in tonight. We rode to Cutler Park and then over to Millenium Park. Spectacular evening clouds and sun where just right.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Bright and Sunny
2 rounds
200m run
15 kb squats with straight arms
20 min for
6 rep Deadlifts
135, 185,225,275
20min amrap
400m run
5 Deadlifts @275
8 rounds 100meters
I went into the gym thinking I would go extra light maybe 175-85lbs and really try to push the runs. Anthony Demusis did the wod at 275lbs and finished 8# rounds at the 5:30am class and it had me thinking 5 reps is not that many and 275 wouldnt really wreck me. So went to 275lb and tried my best on the runs. I was in front on the runs until round 3 or 4 and then one of the real runners passed me. In retrospect I should have wrecked myself to stay with him and not worried how slow i was on Deadlift. For me I need the running work and metcon aspect not the strength right now.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Guest visit to COD
First day of school for Jack so I had to hit the gym early. It was nice to be in the famous COD club. As much as I was excited to see them none of them wanted to be my partner for the WOD so I went solo and rested the same amount of time it took we to do a round.
3 Rounds

250m Row
15 KBS
25 Burpees
15 KBS
250m Row
Round 1 - 4:30
Round 2 - 5:33
Round 3 - 6:12
Total time - 26:15
After celebrating Tristan's 11th Birthday with some cake Susie and I went back to the gym again. I was going to do any easy AD but then decided to do 10 minutes for Calories.
Round 1 - 205 calories
Round 2 - 202 calories
Both efforts were hard but not so painful I crippled myself.
3 Rounds
15 KBS
25 Burpees
15 KBS
250m Row
Round 1 - 4:30
Round 2 - 5:33
Round 3 - 6:12
Total time - 26:15
After celebrating Tristan's 11th Birthday with some cake Susie and I went back to the gym again. I was going to do any easy AD but then decided to do 10 minutes for Calories.
The Birthday Boy turns 11 |
Round 1 - 205 calories
Round 2 - 202 calories
Both efforts were hard but not so painful I crippled myself.
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