I was super excited to set up outside after freezing my behind off for the last few weeks. This outside set up soon became more of a challenge than I expected. First off it was 80 degrees and I was practically melting. Not to mention that large bright object was burning my retina's out. Put the sun glasses on and got after while the class was doing Max dead-lifts.
15 thrusters @135
30 KBS @70
45 BJ 24"
30 KBS
15 thrusters @135
The thrusters were the thing that was going to take the stuffing out of me. I hit this one knowing that I should probably break up all the movements so as not to redline myself right out of the gate.
Round 1 - 10- 5 Thruster, 20-10 KB, Box jumps slow...., 20-7,3 KBS, Thruster - 10-3-2
Total time - 12:28
Right after this was done I scrambled to get my next bar and weights set up so I wouldnt be in the way when the class wod started their wod. I had about 15 minutes of rest and warmup before I hit the next wod.
I got this one totally wrong in terms of what would be hard. I was expecting the Jerks to be difficult but it was the deadlift. The deadlift totally wrecked me and left me very spent so I needed to compose myself before even starting the Jerks.
5 deadlifts @315
5 jerks @155 - bar is taken from the floor
8:30 -

My neck has been bothering me for the last 3-4 days and it immediately tightened up. I was dragging even after lunch. About 3pm I knew that If I wanted to get the last wod in I had to do it now.
My equipment wasnt perfect. Had to use a smith rack for toes to bar and a curling bar for my bar for power snatches as I had to do the last wod from the Hillsboro Club gym. Good news was I had the place to myself and it was out of the sun. Bad news very difficult to kip cause the bar wasnt high enough.
5 burpees
10 PC's @75
15 T2B
4 rounds plus 21 reps. Toes 2 bar took me the longest.
Man these 3 wods have taken a bigger toll than I expected. Im trying to decide whether Im better off rest tomorrow or just dragging through tomorrows wods. I am so tired. Worried that the soreness will make it worse.
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