PVC pipe warm up
1 rep max Split jerk
Partnered up with Steve Mammone. We started at 135lbs and this was way harder than it should have been. Not sure if it's this shoulder tweak I have or just general overall fatigue. Either way there was nothing in the engine room. I wasn't getting under the bar or executing with an explosive movement. I tapper out at 185lbs. Steve PR'd at 205lbs which was great.
Every 7 minutes complete 3 rounds of:
5 C2B - I subbed in BURPEE pull-ups
10 Pistols - alternating legs
15 S2OH @ 95lbs
Did the 1st round in 5:12
2nd and 3rd Round dropped the reps to 10 on S2OH.
Round 2 - 5:00
Round 3 - 4:40
Pistols were not bad at all.
Lots of texts with the boys from Clarkson regarding the opens. Might have to try 15.5 seems quite awful.
John Durocher
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