Rowing Annie”
500m Row
50 AbMAt Sit-ups
500m Row
40 AbMAt Sit-ups
500m Row
30 AbMAt Sit-ups
500m Row
20 AbMAt Sit-ups
500m Row
10 AbMat Sit-ups
Very happy with my splits: This is what I need to do on a 2k. Aside from that 1 vacation I took on round 5.
Modified Rowing Lumber Jack 10
For time:
10 Deadlifts 275/185
Row 500m
10 KB swings, 2/1.5-pood
Row 500m
10 Overhead Squats, 95lbs
Row 500m
10 Burpees
Row 500m
10 C2B Pullups
Row 500m
10!Box jumps, 24/20"
Row 500m
10 DB Squat Cleans, 45/30 each
Row 500m
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