Easy Row at the YMCA
Capturing the details of my workouts including Crossfit, Cycling, Rowing Hiking, Dog Walking and Travel and other things that interest me.
Training Summary
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Monday, February 27, 2017
Jackie & Havoc
Sunday, February 26, 2017
Constant Rowing Annie & Lumber Jack 10
Rowing Annie”
500m Row
50 AbMAt Sit-ups
500m Row
40 AbMAt Sit-ups
500m Row
30 AbMAt Sit-ups
500m Row
20 AbMAt Sit-ups
500m Row
10 AbMat Sit-ups
Very happy with my splits: This is what I need to do on a 2k. Aside from that 1 vacation I took on round 5.
Modified Rowing Lumber Jack 10
For time:
10 Deadlifts 275/185
Row 500m
10 KB swings, 2/1.5-pood
Row 500m
10 Overhead Squats, 95lbs
Row 500m
10 Burpees
Row 500m
10 C2B Pullups
Row 500m
10!Box jumps, 24/20"
Row 500m
10 DB Squat Cleans, 45/30 each
Row 500m
Saturday, February 25, 2017
Grind It Out for Time
Warm up
5k Row
Grind It Out for Time:
100 m row
10 #cleanandjerk (65/95#)
200 m row
9 clean and jerks (75/105#)
300 m row
8 clean and jerks (80/115#)
400 m row
7 clean and jerks (85/125#)
500 m row
6 clean and jerks (95/135#)
600 m row
5 clean and jerks (100/145#)
700 m row
4 clean and jerks (105/155#)
800 m row
3 clean and jerks (115/165#)
900 m row
2 clean and jerks (125/175#)
1000 m row
1 clean and jerk (135/185#)
1k cool down
5k Row
Grind It Out for Time:
100 m row
10 #cleanandjerk (65/95#)
200 m row
9 clean and jerks (75/105#)
300 m row
8 clean and jerks (80/115#)
400 m row
7 clean and jerks (85/125#)
500 m row
6 clean and jerks (95/135#)
600 m row
5 clean and jerks (100/145#)
700 m row
4 clean and jerks (105/155#)
800 m row
3 clean and jerks (115/165#)
900 m row
2 clean and jerks (125/175#)
1000 m row
1 clean and jerk (135/185#)
1k cool down
Thursday, February 23, 2017
More Rowing Intervals
Felt great for 1st interval, ok on 2nd and then it was a slog. Need to be able to click off sub 1:40's if I am going to break 7min in the 2k. More work to do. Damn you Red Baron!
6 X 500m with 3 minute rest
6 X 500m with 3 minute rest
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
ReRow 1ks
Skipped morning workout yesterday and today. This chest cold sucks. Not a ton of coughing but its really sappig my energy and making me feel unwell. After the days work and an errand and feeling a bit better I thought I would test out what I learned from JR's video.
5x1k at different damper settings - 1,2,3,4,2
last 2 - 1:53.5 and 1:54.7 not bad considering my health. Now If I can 5 in a row sub 1:50 that would be great.
5x1k at different damper settings - 1,2,3,4,2
last 2 - 1:53.5 and 1:54.7 not bad considering my health. Now If I can 5 in a row sub 1:50 that would be great.
Sunday, February 19, 2017
Row & Dumbells
Saturday, February 18, 2017
The Anthony
Warm-Up 5k Row First 2k felt really good. Not surprising as I had a 2 day recovery.
The Anthony
5 Rounds
5 power cleans @155lbs
Row 350
7 deadlifts
Row 350
3 Front Squats
Row 350
Great workout as there was no need for a rest and everything could be done unbroken.
We had a 29 minute cap and Anthony was the only one to finish. I was into the last 350m row.
Very consistent in my rowing which I was pleased with.
The Anthony
5 Rounds
5 power cleans @155lbs
Row 350
7 deadlifts
Row 350
3 Front Squats
Row 350
Great workout as there was no need for a rest and everything could be done unbroken.
We had a 29 minute cap and Anthony was the only one to finish. I was into the last 350m row.
Very consistent in my rowing which I was pleased with.
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Row - Barbell and Kettlebell
3 Rounds of
10 hang cleans @135lbs
then 3 rounds of
10 KB swings @70lbs
then 3 round of
10 KB squats @70lbs
Total time - 24:33
Kept it close with Anthony after he blasted thru the first 3 rounds. I was able to finish ahead of Dave.
Split Comparison with Anthony
Anthony's Splits
1 - 1:42.1
2 - 1:49.1
3 - 1:49.2
4 - 1:51.8
5 - 1:55.7
6 - 1:55.9
7 - 1:58.9
8 - 1:57.9
9 - 1:51.8
time - 16:53 1:52.6
Monday, February 13, 2017
Row & Barbell Complex
Sunday, February 12, 2017
Saturday, February 11, 2017
Row & Bear Complex
Wasn't sure if I was going to go to gym today but felt remarkably well rested. No warm up just started the wod and did first round at 95lbs.
AMRAP 30 or so
500m Row
5 Bear Complexes @115lbs
7 Rounds
Post WOD
2 Hours of Shoveling
Rowed while I watched Soccer
AMRAP 30 or so
500m Row
5 Bear Complexes @115lbs
7 Rounds
Post WOD
2 Hours of Shoveling
Rowed while I watched Soccer
Thursday, February 9, 2017
1000's and pushup/situp recovery
The Count
10 min row to warm up - 2505M @2:01.8 pace

6000m row completed in 500m continuous blocks. Pacing is done by strokes per minute (s/m). Start @ 18s/m for 1st 500m. Then increase pace by 2s/m every 500m to 28s/m, then go back down to 18s/m. Last 500 is done @ 20s/m. Pace stays between 2:00 and 1:50.
0-500m @ 18s/m
500m-1000m @ 20s/m
1000m-1500m @ 22s/m
1500m-2000m @ 24s/m
2000m-2500m @ 26s/m
2500m-3000m @ 28s/m
3000m-3500m @ 26s/m
3500m-4000m @ 24s/m
4000m-4500m @ 22s/m
4500m-5000m @ 20s/m
5000m-5500m @ 18s/m
5500m-6000m @ 20s/m
Cool down row

6000m row completed in 500m continuous blocks. Pacing is done by strokes per minute (s/m). Start @ 18s/m for 1st 500m. Then increase pace by 2s/m every 500m to 28s/m, then go back down to 18s/m. Last 500 is done @ 20s/m. Pace stays between 2:00 and 1:50.
0-500m @ 18s/m
500m-1000m @ 20s/m
1000m-1500m @ 22s/m
1500m-2000m @ 24s/m
2000m-2500m @ 26s/m
2500m-3000m @ 28s/m
3000m-3500m @ 26s/m
3500m-4000m @ 24s/m
4000m-4500m @ 22s/m
4500m-5000m @ 20s/m
5000m-5500m @ 18s/m
5500m-6000m @ 20s/m
Cool down row
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
Rowing at Flagship
1k Warm Up
5k Row - Every 1000m change your pace - 2:02, 2:00, 1:58, 1:56, 1:54
5k Row - Every 1000m change your pace - 2:02, 2:00, 1:58, 1:56, 1:54
Post 5k Recoovery-2k Total meters - 8102
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Mix Rowing at Flaghip Crossfit
- Warm up 1218
- Steady–State With Power Bursts: Row 10,000 meters at the pace you found in the workout above. Drop in 10 or 20 hard strokes every 500 or 1000 meters. Aim to drop 10 seconds or more off your split every time you do the power strokes, but always return to your base, steady-state pace. 2000 7:35 1:53
- Rolling Intervals: Row repeating cycles of 3 minutes at 22 strokes per minute, 2 mins at 25, 1 min at 28. Paddle in between if you need a break, or challenge yourself and keep on row-ling. 1434
- Rolling Intervals: Row repeating cycles of 3 minutes at 24 strokes per minute, 2 mins at 28 1 min at 30 1513
- Recovery row 2k
- 100 meters hard, 100 meters easy for 1000m. Paddle for 1-2 minutes and repeated 1416 and 1000
- Recovery is 1028
- Total 11,609

Sunday, February 5, 2017
Salad Bowl & Death by 20m Row plus plain rowing
First 2k: Warm up
1k-2k: Steady-state, half pressure
3k-5k: Rolling 100s
5k-6k: Steady state
6k-7k: Hard 1000m
7k-8k: Recover
8k-9k: :30 on / :30 off. 26 spm on the work, 22 spm on the rest
9-10k: Cool down
Death by rowing (20m)
With a running clock, row 20 meters the first minute, 40 meters the second minute, and so on until you cannot complete the prescribed distance for the current minute. Post your distance for the last (incomplete minute), and the total distance traveled.
Round 14 plus 200m
Then plain rowing = 8025
Total- 21,896
Saturday, February 4, 2017
Rowing Triplet
Row - 5k
Row 1500m
21 Abmat Situps
15 Thrusters (95/65)
Row 1000m
18 Situps
12 Thrusters
Row 750m
15 Situps
9 Thrusters
Row 500m
12 Situps
6 Thrusters
Friday, February 3, 2017
Thursday, February 2, 2017
Squats and Rowing Intervals
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