My knee was feeling much better today than it did yesterday. Not a great sleep last night between Susie and I one of us was up every few hours. We joined the coaches over at "The Sandbox" for a crack at 13.3. Susie went after the coaches and it was great to see her stick to her plan. She paced it perfectly so that when she got to the muscle ups she had gas in the tank and got 2! Couldnt have been more proud of her.

Now it was my turn and I was ready for the big hurt that this wod delivers. 3,2,1 Go and hit the wall balls hard. 50 Straight. I felt good so I stayed with it. Probably not the best idea. It was round of 10 after that for the majority and I was off the wall balls in under 6:53 minutes. Went right to the rope and kept messing up. It took me quite awhile before I strung a good set together and I chewed up a lot of my time doing the double unders. Finished the DU's in 10:26. The 90 doubler unders took me 3:33. Now on to the MU's. By now I was pretty smoked. The first 3 were fine but I was now running out of fuel and the next two were very hard. Tried one more and completely failed. 245! Same as last year. Wasted the time on double unders and was too blown. Must pace it better on Sunday. Need 8 want 10.
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