Susie and I went over to the gym and got there in time to watch Dale and John go head to head. They had adopted a few techniques we had discussed - add weight during weight swap dont pull the first 15's off and incorporate step down burpees right away. Watched Dale just destroy the 165's and add a bunch of reps to his last attempt. John was on track but called it off when it looked like he was on pace to just tie. I think that was smart. Its like the Tour de France. when your know your break away isnt going to work you sit up and focus on recovery so you can compete tomorrow.

1.2.3 go
40 burpees - just a few seconds slower than last time even though i was stepping down on burpees
75lb Snatch - a few no reps as I was pausing at the hips. Oops missed that since I didnt watch the standards video. Clearly Christina who was my judge was going to keep my honest. I love that about crossfit. - you have to earn it there are no freebes. The gang told me after they were worried because the 75lbs didnt look smooth. I guess that was because I was trying to conserve energy. Switched half the weights after the 75lbs
30 burpees - Not as bad as last time as well. My first attempt I had redlined by this point this time I was in good shape.
30 @ 135lbs - Felt better than last time by a long shot. Finished in 11:56.
3 minutes - Swapped the last side of weights and stopped to chalk my hands. I was going to make sure I was able to put everything into this attempt after failing 4 times last time. Nailed it! Now I had some confidence and started chipping away. I got to 7 with a minute left and Coach John said to get to 10. Now I didnt think this was possible and everyone said my face gave that away. Ended up getting two more reps for a total of 9.
Final Score - 159 with a 11:56
I couldnt have been more happy with my pacing and how I felt. I have to thank Ben Bergeron's video for the step downs that was one key and the other was Coach Mcevoy saying more hips less jump. Saved my legs for the last round and it paid off in spade. I was completely in the zone - as I had tore up my thumbs and kneecaps and had no idea till i was cooling down. Lastly I would like to thank the Coca Cola company. A coke definitely gave me a smile.
Now the recovery begins. My shoulder is already throbbing so I have time with miracle worker Nichole McCann my Massage Therapist who will get me back in working order. Wrist is totally fine whatever tendon or ligament held up after tapping the hell out of it and wearing my wraps.
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