" Truth Serum "
800 Meter Run
10 Handstand Push Ups
20 Kettlebell Swings (70, 53)
30 Overhead Walking Lunges. 15 each side (45, 25)
40 Pull Ups
50 Push Ups
800 Meter Run
50 Push Ups
Total Time 40:55
This looked like a good one off the CFNE site. Crossfit Craic had programmed Murph but I felt like that would be a beat down not that this one wasnt. I screwed up the wod right after the 800m row and went right to the KBS swings. I realized i missed them when i finished the first set up pushups. By this time i was smoked and you never saw a more pathetic set up HSPU's. They were about 2 abmats from the floor and were generally lousy. Im not sure what is wrong because just a month ago i was able to bang out 20 straight. Im not sure if it is the 2 week layoff or the smoking of my triceps last week. I better start getting back on track or I might as well forget about any hope of qualifying for the masters. I just dont have the intense gear right now. Im not sure if its fear and Im trying to protect my back or I am just run down from the travel and lack of sleep of this vacation. Pretty sad that I am more tired from vacation travel than work travel.
This day marks a year of WODs captured in the Blog.
Get your ass in gear! I'm gonna be pissed when I go to LA to watch the games and you're not there!
Tony - Im working on it. Not sure why I have been sore as hell after every work out.
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