I was a little scared when I saw this posted, that said it was perfect training for me. The more warmed up I got the better I felt. I know I can do this a lot faster. I was operating on about 4 hours of sleep but didnt want to miss a day.
Warm Up:
Gotham Warm Up
Warm Up and Practice the Snatch
30 Snatches (135 lbs)
Time 5:44
Capturing the details of my workouts including Crossfit, Cycling, Rowing Hiking, Dog Walking and Travel and other things that interest me.
Training Summary
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Crossfit Gotham - Nutts Prep
Its been awhile since I have trained at Gotham and they have added a bunch of new Rogue pull up bars. This is huge and shows how dedicated coach Mike P is to his athletes as he has to put them together and pull them apart every morning. It takes an hour and the first class is at 5am. You do the math, this man cares.
Warm Up:
Gotham Warm Up
Warm Up the Deadlift to 245 lbs workout weight
Nutts Prep
3 Rounds
3 Hand Stand Push Ups
6 Deadlifts (245 lbs)
9 Box Jumps
12 Pull Ups
15 Wall Balls (20 lbs) I used a 24lb ball. They had a 30lber but I said no way.
I was exited for this one and there were some really fast times on the board. I was able to blast thru and do it all unbroken.
Final Time 6:15
Gotham Warm Up
Warm Up the Deadlift to 245 lbs workout weight
Nutts Prep
3 Rounds
3 Hand Stand Push Ups
6 Deadlifts (245 lbs)
9 Box Jumps
12 Pull Ups
15 Wall Balls (20 lbs) I used a 24lb ball. They had a 30lber but I said no way.
I was exited for this one and there were some really fast times on the board. I was able to blast thru and do it all unbroken.
Final Time 6:15
Monday, November 28, 2011
Rest Day Travel Day
What can I say, most travel days are rest days. Not very restful that is for sure.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Deadlift Max Reps with a twist
Warm Up
Row - Fish game - Score 1067
5 Rounds
1 min max rep Deadlift – you pick the weight
2 min rest
Increase weight every round
5 Rounds
1 min max rep Deadlift – you pick the weight
2 min rest
Increase weight every round
score = lowest number of reps
225 lbs - 30 reps - 6750 lbs
245lbs - 15 reps - 3920lbs
265lbs - 18reps - 4770lbs
275lbs - 12 - 3300lbs
295bs - 8 reps 2360lbs
21,100 lbs moved
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Celebrating Success & Active Rest Days
Took some time off as we were at the in laws and i didnt feel like driving to a box to workout. Did some kind of hike or walk every day. (Thursday, Friday, Saturday)
More importantly I want to celebrate the success that Susie has had with Crossfit and the no bread challenge. Its a bummer that she didnt win as she has been crushing her WODs and setting all kinds of PR's:
More importantly I want to celebrate the success that Susie has had with Crossfit and the no bread challenge. Its a bummer that she didnt win as she has been crushing her WODs and setting all kinds of PR's:
- 1RM Power Clean - 135# (20# PR)
- 1RM Front Squat - 170# (25# PR)
- 1RM Overhead Squat - 120# (45# PR)
- 2RM Dead Lift - 256# (46# PR)
- 500m Row - 1:45 (top of the board)
- Fran - 6:38 @ 45# (3min PR)
- Max Push Ups - 25
- Max Dips - 13
- 2 Min Max Double Unders - 93 (32 rep PR)
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
12mins on the clock
1 KB Swing, 1 Burpee, 2 KB Swings, 2 Burpees ….. 10 KB Swings, 10 Burpees
AMRAP Double Unders in Remaining time
Score = Double Unders
First part done in 6:30 something.
Double Unders 216
4X3 Deadlifts
225, 275,315, 335
First part done in 6:30 something.
Double Unders 216
4X3 Deadlifts
225, 275,315, 335
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Last did this WOD in March. For me this is a wod that is all about the right pacing for the row so that when you get off you can get right after the Thrusters.
I convinced Paul and Dork to hold off so that we could be in the final heat together. Paul had the leader board with a 6:50 to my 7:19. Rico had all ready put up a 7:09 to push me to 3rd on the leader board. Rowing between Paul and Dork I knew I couldnt or shouldnt try to match their pace. Dork ended up doing a 3:13, Paul a 3:20. and I did a 3:33. I knew I had to do the Thrusters unbroken. I was matching Paul's speed but that wasnt good enough as I was already behind. Paul finished and I was 3 reps behind. My saving grace was that Paul stopped to chalk up his hands. I went right to the bar and kept going until I was at 30 finishing just before Paul. It was a great push for me. The more I train head to head with Paul the better.
for time
Row 1000m
50 Thrusters @45lbs
30 Pullups
My final time was a 6:12. That is a minute and 7 seconds faster than the last time I did it.
I visited Dr Gale today to have him work on my arm. Much better after one treatment.
I convinced Paul and Dork to hold off so that we could be in the final heat together. Paul had the leader board with a 6:50 to my 7:19. Rico had all ready put up a 7:09 to push me to 3rd on the leader board. Rowing between Paul and Dork I knew I couldnt or shouldnt try to match their pace. Dork ended up doing a 3:13, Paul a 3:20. and I did a 3:33. I knew I had to do the Thrusters unbroken. I was matching Paul's speed but that wasnt good enough as I was already behind. Paul finished and I was 3 reps behind. My saving grace was that Paul stopped to chalk up his hands. I went right to the bar and kept going until I was at 30 finishing just before Paul. It was a great push for me. The more I train head to head with Paul the better.
My final time was a 6:12. That is a minute and 7 seconds faster than the last time I did it.
I visited Dr Gale today to have him work on my arm. Much better after one treatment.
Monday, November 21, 2011
10 Min AMRAP
Warm up
1k Row
Barbell Complex
5 Clean + Jerk 135/95
7 Push ups
This got hard very quickly for me and it wasnt the pushups but how fast i could cycle through the C&J's. I need to do this type of wod weekly.
7 Rounds plus 3 reps
1k Row
Barbell Complex
5 Clean + Jerk 135/95
7 Push ups
This got hard very quickly for me and it wasnt the pushups but how fast i could cycle through the C&J's. I need to do this type of wod weekly.
7 Rounds plus 3 reps
Sunday, November 20, 2011
5 Rounder!
800m Run
Plus mobility work
I felt pretty beat up after days off with assorted pains and tightness which is not the norm for me. I would have felt like 2 days off and i would have been able to hit it hard. Managed to grind it out but never felt great.
10Front Squats 135/95
15Kb Swings 53/35
Run 400m
Overhead Squats
2X5 at 95lbs. I had planned to do more but 9lbs felt like 205lbs.
800m Run
Plus mobility work
I felt pretty beat up after days off with assorted pains and tightness which is not the norm for me. I would have felt like 2 days off and i would have been able to hit it hard. Managed to grind it out but never felt great.
10Front Squats 135/95
15Kb Swings 53/35
Run 400m
Overhead Squats
2X5 at 95lbs. I had planned to do more but 9lbs felt like 205lbs.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Forced Rest Day
Gym was closed today because of the Turkey throwdown. I wanted to get a workout in but between the event and the Brimmer Auction it was a forced rest day. Funny thing is that by end of the day I was more sore than when I started.
Susie took 3rd in the RX women! Nice job.
Susie took 3rd in the RX women! Nice job.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Rest Day - Travel Day
Off to Toronto. Got home around 9pm and stopped at Craic party. Had a thought about doing Fran in my suit but then thought better of it. Did do a few muscle ups
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Snatch Strength
Seven Rounds, not for time
1 Snatch
35 Double Unders
Seven Rounds, not for time
1 Snatch
35 Double Unders
Score = total weight lifted during all seven rounds. i.e – weight from round 1+2+3 etc
Round 1
125lbs & 35 reps
145lbs & 40 reps
155lbs & 40 reps
175 (Fail) messed up and loaded 25lbs on one side and 15 on the other
165lbs & 40 reps
165 (Fail)& 35 reps
165lbs &35 reps
170lbs new pr - very ugly
2 Sets of 5 Muscle-Ups
Need to work in getting into Squat with bar overhead
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Row Row your boat
4 x 500m Row
Rest approx 3 mins between efforts
4 x 500m Row
Rest approx 3 mins between efforts
Each effort should be all out.
No doubt about it on this WOD your going to go deep into the pain cave. You know its going to hurt badly. I can honestly say I was questioning myself of whether I had the intestinal fortitude do do what it takes for a PR. As i reflect know on the WOD I gave it a lot but not all 100%.
Round 1 1:30.6
Round 2 1:36.7
Round 3 1:41
Round 4 1:53
This WOD also points out how quickly my power drops off. Need to do more of these types of WODs to build that sustainable power.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Strength Building
I was going to work out in Chicago but once I saw this WOD I knew this would be more beneficial for my development.
Squat Clean 5-5-5-5-5
Max pushups in between each set
135lbs and 62 Push-ups
155lbs and 30 Push-ups
165lbs and 25 Push-ups
185lbs and 25 Push-ups
195lbs 4 straight, failed on 5th but got the 6th. I dropped the bar and regripped on this set. 20 Push-ups
Squat Clean 5-5-5-5-5
Max pushups in between each set
135lbs and 62 Push-ups
155lbs and 30 Push-ups
165lbs and 25 Push-ups
185lbs and 25 Push-ups
195lbs 4 straight, failed on 5th but got the 6th. I dropped the bar and regripped on this set. 20 Push-ups
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Garage games Day 2
Nothing out of the norm going into today other than the usual soreness, some severe guilt from yesterday bad behavior and the regular jitters.
400m Sandbag Run (35/25)
20 Overhead Squats (95/65)
20 T2B
200m sandbag run
100 Double Unders
200m sandbag run
20 t2b
20 OHS
400m Sandbag Run
Came back off the run right with Glen who went from last to the front in the 2nd 200m. That was probably the smarter way to go. First round aok. Fell a little behind. Totally got spanked by double unders. Out of breath and couldn't get anything going. Runs started getting slower. T2B were fine. Final 20 OHS were ugly and took a lot out of me. When I went out the door I was a shell of man and ended up walking for probably a few hundred meters of the 400.
Total Time - 16:31
It was a great event and good to get a gauge for my fitness. lots of stuff to work on.

20 Overhead Squats (95/65)
20 T2B
200m sandbag run
100 Double Unders
200m sandbag run
20 t2b
20 OHS
400m Sandbag Run
Came back off the run right with Glen who went from last to the front in the 2nd 200m. That was probably the smarter way to go. First round aok. Fell a little behind. Totally got spanked by double unders. Out of breath and couldn't get anything going. Runs started getting slower. T2B were fine. Final 20 OHS were ugly and took a lot out of me. When I went out the door I was a shell of man and ended up walking for probably a few hundred meters of the 400.
Total Time - 16:31
It was a great event and good to get a gauge for my fitness. lots of stuff to work on.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Day 1 of Garage Games at Crossfit Southie
When I woke up with only 3 hours of sleep under my belt and probably 24 over the past 4 days I strongly considered mailing it in. I decided to just go and do it and whatever happens, happens.
1. Whitey Bulger - 5 minutes to complete 500 m row, 20 lateral bar jump burpees, AMRAP squat cleans @135#. Score is # of squat cleans.
2. SnatchBalls - 7 min AMRAP - 7 power snatch @95# + 10 wall balls @20#
3. Spiderman - 5 Rounds - 20 stand up on the box jumps, 15 pullups, 5 Wall Climbs
Wod 1 went better than expected. I tried to keep my row around 1:40-1:50 and then just get thru the burpees with enough energy for the Squat Cleans. I was able to bust out 19. I really would have like 20 but failed on the last clean.
Wod 2 - This was just pure hell. I flew out of the gate on the first 3 rounds and then complete imploded. Absolutely gassed. Someone said if you actually learned how to snatch you might be good
6 Rounds plus 1.
WOD 3 - This wod was just not good at all. Mostly because I lost my mind when the head judge came over and added what I thought was a new standard in that my arms had to be close to the wall. I couldnt figure why this was a standard my chest was touching. I got fouled for some chest coming up before my legs were up which were totally valid. Either way my emotional reaction was something that i am not truly ashamed of and embarrassed by. I let my gym and coaches down for the disrespect that I showed the judges. This wont happen again but wont make up for what has happened. I did apologize again to my judge today.
Total time 13:47
Garage Games - Whitey Bulger WOD |
1. Whitey Bulger - 5 minutes to complete 500 m row, 20 lateral bar jump burpees, AMRAP squat cleans @135#. Score is # of squat cleans.
2. SnatchBalls - 7 min AMRAP - 7 power snatch @95# + 10 wall balls @20#
3. Spiderman - 5 Rounds - 20 stand up on the box jumps, 15 pullups, 5 Wall Climbs
Wod 1 went better than expected. I tried to keep my row around 1:40-1:50 and then just get thru the burpees with enough energy for the Squat Cleans. I was able to bust out 19. I really would have like 20 but failed on the last clean.
Wod 2 - This was just pure hell. I flew out of the gate on the first 3 rounds and then complete imploded. Absolutely gassed. Someone said if you actually learned how to snatch you might be good
6 Rounds plus 1.
WOD 3 - This wod was just not good at all. Mostly because I lost my mind when the head judge came over and added what I thought was a new standard in that my arms had to be close to the wall. I couldnt figure why this was a standard my chest was touching. I got fouled for some chest coming up before my legs were up which were totally valid. Either way my emotional reaction was something that i am not truly ashamed of and embarrassed by. I let my gym and coaches down for the disrespect that I showed the judges. This wont happen again but wont make up for what has happened. I did apologize again to my judge today.
Total time 13:47
Friday, November 11, 2011
Travel Day - Rest Day
I do really need to check how many of my rest days are travel days. Many of them are out of necessity but I am sure that any progress is diminished by lack of rest and complete recovery.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Body Weight Wod
No chance to go to CFLV today as there first class is at 7am and my first meeting is at 7am. Hit the hotel gym at the encore. I hate paying 15 bucks to these hotel gyms which are usually not good at all. Dennis M and I had decided to do a short body weight WOD considering we couldnt get into the gym until 6am.
Warm Up 500m row and mobility
Wod 10 min AMRAP
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 sit-ups
20 squats
We matched round for round with me getting ahead at first and then Dennis catching me in the airsquats
Tied at either 6 or 7 rounds. Dennis wins on the fact that he jumped up to start a pull-up and I didnt even bother.
Warm Up 500m row and mobility
Wod 10 min AMRAP
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 sit-ups
20 squats
We matched round for round with me getting ahead at first and then Dennis catching me in the airsquats
Tied at either 6 or 7 rounds. Dennis wins on the fact that he jumped up to start a pull-up and I didnt even bother.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Crossfit Las Vegas
Back in the city of sin. Not a big fan of Vegas, huge upside in that they have 2 really good crossfit gyms. When the cab dropped us off there was no one there and Dennis and I thought we had messed up and gotten the schedule wrong. 5 minutes to 6 the coach showed up and he even remembered me from my visit last year. Small class of 4 people

Lots of shoulder and back work
Butterfly pull-ups
Lots of shoulder and back work
Butterfly pull-ups
Handstand push-up
This was another example of what jumping around can do to your programming. I had just done heavy deadlifts on Monday and Should Press on tuesday. Can you say ouch
Total Time 5:45
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Strength Day
Tabata hollow holds
Skill: Toes to Bar
3X5 - Shoulder pulls 3x10
Strength: Shoulder press 5-5-5-5-5
Max effort bar dips in between each set
Max effort bar dips in between each set
Rest exactly 3 mins between efforts
(95lbs (5) - 10
115lbs (5) 10
125 (5) - 15
145 (4) Failed on 5th - 9
140 (4) Failed on 5th - 10
Monday, November 7, 2011
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Deadlifts and Metcon
Strength: Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5 (increasing weight each set)
15 Situps
20 Squats
I coerced Dork into going first, told him old guys needed more rest and watched him just fly through the rounds. I think he finished in 6:55 which was very impressive. When It was my turn I had decided that I would kill myself to at least match his first few rounds and then see how it went from there. I felt good - that doesnt happen very often. Once i got to the third round I decided I was going to own this wod. Kept after it pretty well. I paused at the bar for just a moment so I would be hard pressed to figure out how to go faster.
Paired up with Dork we hit it pretty hard.
275, 295, 315, 345, 365
I think this is a new PR for me. I havent done a 1 rep max in a long time so I am curious to where I stand on that.
WOD 5 rounds for time
5 Deadlifts @60% of 5 rep max
10 PushupsWOD 5 rounds for time
5 Deadlifts @60% of 5 rep max
15 Situps
20 Squats
I coerced Dork into going first, told him old guys needed more rest and watched him just fly through the rounds. I think he finished in 6:55 which was very impressive. When It was my turn I had decided that I would kill myself to at least match his first few rounds and then see how it went from there. I felt good - that doesnt happen very often. Once i got to the third round I decided I was going to own this wod. Kept after it pretty well. I paused at the bar for just a moment so I would be hard pressed to figure out how to go faster.
5:03. It would have been cool to break 5 minutes but i will take it.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Challenge Accepted - Peer Pressure or Friendly Competition
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Challenge Accepted |
When I reviewed the WOD posted for today I had no plan to do anything other than what was on the board. That all changed in the warm-up, Sara said grab a kettlebell you are comfortable with to practice the movements. Badass Jack Daly grabs a 53lb KB, now I planned on grabbing a 35lber for the warm-up but thought geez I cant do that if Jack is using 53lber. As we moved thru the warm-up it wasnt so bad. So i decided to try to one up Jack by saying C2B vs regular pullups. Now this was not very smart as Jack is a pullup Ninja. So within 5 minutes the ante had been upped significantly. A tough WOD had become just that little bit harder. As all good coaches do - Sara Mac said "are you sure you will be good with that weight?" My response - it wont be easy but I will give it a try.
Skill: Double Kettlebell Clean
Fractured Kettlebell Fran
5 rounds for time
9 KB Thrusters 44/25 (Scaled up to 53lbs)
9 Pullups (Scaled up to C2B)
Fractured Kettlebell Fran
5 rounds for time
9 KB Thrusters 44/25 (Scaled up to 53lbs)
9 Pullups (Scaled up to C2B)
Total Time 8:06
Friday, November 4, 2011
Mobility Work
Skill: Tabata Handstand holds
50 Burpees
40 (GHD) Situps
30 Jumping lunges
20 (HSPUs) Pushups
10 (C2B) Pullups
50 Burpees
40 (GHD) Situps
30 Jumping lunges
20 (HSPUs) Pushups
10 (C2B) Pullups
8:58 total time - 50 burpees split 2:17
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Rest Day Travel Day
Only a partial travel day as I flew to Chicago on Wednesday evening. Thursday in Chicago for a client meeting and then flew home. One of the easier travel days I have had. I made up for it in a stressful operational review. Nothing like friendly fire.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Warm Up
3rounds of
5 strict pullups
10 jumping lunges
15 V-Ups
3rounds of
5 strict pullups
10 jumping lunges
15 V-Ups
Skill/Strength: Hang Power Clean
Work to a weight for the following:
1rep on every 3rd min for 15min
Work to a weight for the following:
1rep on every 3rd min for 15min
I started this but shut it down as my forearm tendon is aggravated by Cleans! I dont like not being able to do the WODs as prescribed. Had to battle my inner voice to back away from cleans and sub in Deadlifts - 325, 355, 355, 355, 355, 355
3 rounds
Run 200m
5 Hang Power Clean @60% of the weight used above
10 pushups
15 Toes to bar
3 rounds
Run 200m
5 Hang Power Clean @60% of the weight used above
10 pushups
15 Toes to bar
12 min cap
6:22 All straight thru until 3rd round of T2B 10 then 5
Hand Stand Push-Ups
5, 10, 10
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Back Squats plus Strength
Warm Up
Hollow Rocks
Squat Bottom
Mountain Climber
Hollow Rocks
Squat Bottom
Mountain Climber
5 rounds
3 High Bar Back Squats – 275lbs
50% max effort Deadhang Pullups 10,10.10,10,10
50% max effort Dips 10,10, 12, 12,12,12
Rest about 2 mins between rounds.
5 rounds
3 High Bar Back Squats – 275lbs
50% max effort Deadhang Pullups 10,10.10,10,10
50% max effort Dips 10,10, 12, 12,12,12
Rest about 2 mins between rounds.
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