- Elizabeth - 6:30!
- Angie: 14:02 Rx
So last night I walked back over to Crossfit Craic for round 2. (Having the gym so close is awesome.) Coach John had done Elizabeth earlier in the day as well as the gang at CFNE so I had a lot of metrics. Elizabeth combines two areas that I need to improve my form and strength in - cleans and dips. After a good warm-up it was the familiar 3.2.1...go. It was a drastic improvement on the dips from a year ago. Even the cleans were better, not great but better. Having good form in the cleans makes a huge difference. You can really wear yourself out pulling that bar as opposed to getting under it. My time was 9:46 = This is a huge improvement over the 12:48 I put up back in '09.
Nice JD! Solid work.
Johnny D - WTF, I'm always chasing you! I'd better do well this year before you get into the masters division :)
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