Capturing the details of my workouts including Crossfit, Cycling, Rowing Hiking, Dog Walking and Travel and other things that interest me.
Training Summary
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
Drilling Skill
Tonight was one of those nights where things came together. Last week all of my Snatches were miserable. Today much better. Got teamed up with Paul and Pat.
Cash in:
400m run
1:13 Teehan did 1:07!
Strength/Skill: 1 Power Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat
75, 95, 115, 135, 155, 165
Overhead Squat (135 lbs)
Chest to Bar Pullups
Overhead Squat (135 lbs)
Chest to Bar Pullups
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Game Day Wod 2
Thanks to Michael Kennedy for coming to the gym and judging me this morning. Its amazing the support I have been getting from coaches and the community. Simple warm up and I was ready to get after it. This is one of those WODs where you know the first few round or two you will feel like a world beater but come the third round its a whole different story. My goal was to hit 4 rounds.
“Game Day WOD 2″
10 Push Jerks (135, 95)
20 Pull Ups
30 Double Unders
3 Rounds 36 reps. I just needed another 15-20 seconds to finish the round. Drat.
“Game Day WOD 2″
10 Push Jerks (135, 95)
20 Pull Ups
30 Double Unders
3 Rounds 36 reps. I just needed another 15-20 seconds to finish the round. Drat.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Running WOD
I knew that the youngsters who are all very good runners would totally annihilate this WOD. I was hoping to stay as close as possible on the the first run. Once inside the Burpees and Clean and Jerks werent long enough or heavy enough to gain any time back. Sure enough they took off like they were shot out of gun. The veteran Olly keep a slower pace through the first 600 and then caught me as we entered the gym. It was the last I would see of the front runners - Power, Dave C, Pete and Olly. Those guys were moving.
3 rounds for time
Run 800m
10 Burpees
5 Single arm Kettlebell Clean + Jerk (left + right)
15:55 Would have like this to been under 15!
3 rounds for time
Run 800m
10 Burpees
5 Single arm Kettlebell Clean + Jerk (left + right)
15:55 Would have like this to been under 15!
Friday, January 27, 2012
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Thruster 5-5-5-5-5
Goal should be to get a 5 rep max – bar starts on the floor
Rd 1 - 95lbs - first lift always seems harder than it should
Rd 2 - 115lbs
Rd 3 - 135lbs
Rd 4 - 155lb
Rd 5 - 175lb
Rd 6 - 185 (3) failed on 4th attempt - couldnt lock out
Thruster 5-5-5-5-5
Goal should be to get a 5 rep max – bar starts on the floor
Rd 1 - 95lbs - first lift always seems harder than it should
Rd 2 - 115lbs
Rd 3 - 135lbs
Rd 4 - 155lb
Rd 5 - 175lb
Rd 6 - 185 (3) failed on 4th attempt - couldnt lock out
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
BLAST & Recognition of Support
I was back in NY at Crossfit Gotham today. Always good to be back in my home away from home box. Coach Michael Pommerening is fantastic. I have been to NY since early December and he picked up our conversation right where we left out. He has been unbelievably supportive and has gone out of his way to help me. Simply amazed at people's willingness to help.
Blast! is a good WOD for me as I need to improve my cycle time on burpees and box jumps. To do well its more than just not stopping for a rest.
Gotham warm-up
Straight through for time:
30 Push-ups
30 Burpees
30 Squats
30 Box Jumps
30 Burpee Box Jumps
Time - 7:03
The dude who did 6:01 must have been a machine! Coach said that he held him to strict ROM as well.
So not only was Coach Mike P welcoming but he took me aside after class and gave me some things to work on that he think will still make a difference 4 weeks out from the Opens. It was all about grip strength. He was telling me to do a bunch of swings before any wod I do to condition for that feeling. After the class he took we through 10 deadlifts, 10 cleans with a med ball only holding the ball by the side and then 10 dead hang and 10 toes to bar and then he brought out weights with flat sides and i had to pick them up and hold them. My grip and forearms were screaming!
Blast! is a good WOD for me as I need to improve my cycle time on burpees and box jumps. To do well its more than just not stopping for a rest.
Gotham warm-up
Straight through for time:
30 Push-ups
30 Burpees
30 Squats
30 Box Jumps
30 Burpee Box Jumps
Time - 7:03
The dude who did 6:01 must have been a machine! Coach said that he held him to strict ROM as well.
So not only was Coach Mike P welcoming but he took me aside after class and gave me some things to work on that he think will still make a difference 4 weeks out from the Opens. It was all about grip strength. He was telling me to do a bunch of swings before any wod I do to condition for that feeling. After the class he took we through 10 deadlifts, 10 cleans with a med ball only holding the ball by the side and then 10 dead hang and 10 toes to bar and then he brought out weights with flat sides and i had to pick them up and hold them. My grip and forearms were screaming!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Rolled out of bed did a 100m warm up and then started on this WOD. Its awful. No where to hide. Your essentially pushing yourself to the point of no return.
3 rounds
Row 250m – rest roughly how long it takes
Row 500m – rest roughly how long it takes
Row 750m – rest roughly how long it takes
3 rounds
Row 250m – rest roughly how long it takes
Row 500m – rest roughly how long it takes
Row 750m – rest roughly how long it takes
RX – shoot for: 250’s under :60 sec, 500’s under 2:00 , 750’s under 3:00
Distance | Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 |
250 | 52 sec | 51sec | 50 sec |
500 | 1:44 | 1:51 | 1:51 |
750 | 2:57 | 2:55 | 2:52 |
I dont think this wod is named after Peter Tosh, but i always think of him when i do it
Monday, January 23, 2012
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Game Day 2 - limited time
Hit the gym with a very tight time frame to get my work in. I was able to piggy back on the fact that the Crossfit Newton competition was canceled at the 11th hour. Very weak, if you ask me. All these teams dropping out because of the football game. Come on! Where is your commitment? Tape the game. Why anyone would rather watch than do is beyond me. I will get off my soapbox now
I have a list of WODs that I want to do on this blog and i decided to pick two with things I need work on and do them. I felt bad not stopping to socialize with everyone but didnt have time. Did a quick warmup and then hit WOD #1
5 Rounds
15 Box Jumps
10 Toes to Bar
Total Time - 7:57. top guys probably would do that in 4 minutes. I was gassed. Good news is that the HSPUs werent a total disaster.
5 Rounds with a 90 second rest between rounds all lifts @135
5 Power Cleans
10 Front Squats
5 Jerks
20 Pullups
Round 1 2:49
Round 2 3:44
Ran out of time to do more. Totally crushed on the front squats and pullups. Will need to do this one again.
I have a list of WODs that I want to do on this blog and i decided to pick two with things I need work on and do them. I felt bad not stopping to socialize with everyone but didnt have time. Did a quick warmup and then hit WOD #1
5 Rounds
15 Box Jumps
10 Toes to Bar
Total Time - 7:57. top guys probably would do that in 4 minutes. I was gassed. Good news is that the HSPUs werent a total disaster.
5 Rounds with a 90 second rest between rounds all lifts @135
5 Power Cleans
10 Front Squats
5 Jerks
20 Pullups
Round 1 2:49
Round 2 3:44
Ran out of time to do more. Totally crushed on the front squats and pullups. Will need to do this one again.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Game Day WOD1 plus Craic WOD
Got in the gym early so i had time to do the game day wod before the class started. Short warmup- just enough to get loose.
Game Day WOD 1:
21 -15 -9
Power Cleans
Men’s weight: 115
Game Day WOD 1:
21 -15 -9
Power Cleans
Men’s weight: 115
10mins on the clock
50 Box Jumps
In the remaining time AMRAP
10 Kettlebell Push Press (Left + Right)
20 Kettlebell Swings
10mins on the clock
50 Box Jumps
In the remaining time AMRAP
10 Kettlebell Push Press (Left + Right)
20 Kettlebell Swings
RX – KB – 53/35 , Box – 24″/20″ – shooting for 7rds +
I went with RX as I know that the press is something that I need to become stronger at.
2 Rounds plus 15 presses
Friday, January 20, 2012
Here is what was posted on the Craic page today:
Its been 6 years since i started crossfit and I still havent mastered this lift. I have gotten a stronger but i am no more efficient than when i walked in the door way back when. If anything my motor has decreased with my reduced running and probably age as well. So I have that going for me.
It occured as I thought it would form started going south as soon as the weight got a little heavy. Foot work was shoddy, head wasnt going through. slow to get under bar, slow with elbows just clumsy.
Focused on trying to improve the form at that weight, dropped down and started back up and it was slightly better. Im in another cycle where its just not that fun. Nonetheless I will put the work in, just not a lot of joy or engagement.
5reps @ 95lbs
5 reps @ 95lbs
3 reps @115lbs
2 reps @ 135
2 reps @ 155
2 reps @ 155
1 rep @ 155
1 rep @ 155 ugly
1 rep @ 155 fail
1 rep @ 155 ugly
1 rep @ 155 ugly
1 rep @ 155 better
1 rep @ 155 ugly
3 @ 135 better
3 @ 135 better
3 @ 135 better
1 @ 145 better
1 @ 155 ugly
1 @ 155 ugly
The Snatch is an exercise which is extremely frustrating when initially trying to learn it but there is nothing more satisfying than pulling a heavy weight up off the floor, pulling yourself under it, and standing up with it over your head.
![]() |
1RM Snatch
It occured as I thought it would form started going south as soon as the weight got a little heavy. Foot work was shoddy, head wasnt going through. slow to get under bar, slow with elbows just clumsy.


5 reps @ 95lbs
3 reps @115lbs
2 reps @ 135
2 reps @ 155
2 reps @ 155
1 rep @ 155
1 rep @ 155 ugly
1 rep @ 155 fail
1 rep @ 155 ugly
1 rep @ 155 ugly
1 rep @ 155 better
1 rep @ 155 ugly
3 @ 135 better
3 @ 135 better
3 @ 135 better
1 @ 145 better
1 @ 155 ugly
1 @ 155 ugly
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Rest Day/Travel Day
I have been sleeping terribly for the past month. Going to be late, waking up wide awake a few hours later. Not sure what is going on. I elected to not go to a Chicago Crossfit box for a few reasons:
- its suppose to be a rest day
- The WODS at the local boxes were lame.
- Im tired and have lots of work to do
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Travel Day - Hotel WOD
On the wall of my hotel room at the W in Chicago |
“Dumbell Bear Complex”
5 Sets Each round is without dropping. Drop = failed set
5 Dumbbell deadlift
5 Dumbbell hang clean
5 Dumbbell push press
5 Dumbbell squat
Record Dumbell weights. Try to add weight each set
25bs, 35lbs, 40lbs, 45lbs, 50lbs, 50lbs, 50lbs 50lbs, 50lbs
Ran out of weights. So decided to go straight across.
50 pushups
Press 3 rounds
10reps @ 35bs
5reps @40lbs
5 reps @45lbs
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Mobility and Cleans
Did a lot of mobility work but didnt have a lot of time for the lift.
5x1 at 80% of max clean. I dont really have a max clean so I worked at the weight I did all the cleans at on Friday,
135 (5)
155 (3)
Cash Out - 50 Burpees - 2:21
5x1 at 80% of max clean. I dont really have a max clean so I worked at the weight I did all the cleans at on Friday,
135 (5)
155 (3)
Cash Out - 50 Burpees - 2:21
Mobility and Cleans
Did a lot of mobility work but didnt have a lot of time for the lift.
5x1 at 80% of max clean. I dont really have a max clean so I worked at the weight I did all the cleans at on Friday,
135 (5)
155 (3)
Cash Out - 50 Burpees - 2:21
5x1 at 80% of max clean. I dont really have a max clean so I worked at the weight I did all the cleans at on Friday,
135 (5)
155 (3)
Cash Out - 50 Burpees - 2:21
Monday, January 16, 2012
Wod Club Comp Wod 3
The gym was doing the filthy fifty today which I was bummed to be missing. I just didnt think it would really benefit me from doing back to back chippers. I watched the 6pm class and Teehan just wrecked that workout - 18 minutes. Pete was kind enough to run the camera. Nasty workout with box jumps and the only thing I am good at Toes to bar they scaled for masters to sit-ups.
50 Toes to Bar (Masters abmat situps)
40 Box Jumps at 24"/20"
30 Bar Facing Burpees
20 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
10 Overhead Squats
Weights for both Sumo Deadlift High Pulls and Overhead Squats are:
Men Women Mast. Men Mast. Women
#s 95 65 85 55
KG 43 29 38 25
Time 6:41
Here is the video
50 Toes to Bar (Masters abmat situps)
40 Box Jumps at 24"/20"
30 Bar Facing Burpees
20 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
10 Overhead Squats
Weights for both Sumo Deadlift High Pulls and Overhead Squats are:
Men Women Mast. Men Mast. Women
#s 95 65 85 55
KG 43 29 38 25
Time 6:41
Here is the video
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Partner Workout
Partner workout
4 rounds
20 Overhead Squats 95/65
10 Pushups
one person is rowing 750m while their partner is doing work.Partner workout
4 rounds
20 Overhead Squats 95/65
10 Pushups
Jack, Brian and I were the only 3 person team. Jack added in HSPU's when he wasnt rowing. Didnt realy change anything as the most time was on the rower. Felt pretty good Did 3 rounds of 20 straight and then got 17 in my last set before having to set the bar down.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Susie and I had a 9am meeting with some folks regarding the project we are doing and that kept us busy until 3pm.
Friday, January 13, 2012
Fail - Clean and Jerk
I had been looking forward to this workout when Glen told me we would be doing it earlier in the week. I was hoping to set a pr and went into the workout very optimistic. That all went to hell once I started to get to what others probably were using for a warm-up. My overhead strength has fallen miserably. My strict press and HSPU's havent come back since i hurt my back. I will start focusing on this 2-3 days a week to see if it helps.
1RM Clean + Jerk
1RM Clean + Jerk
135 (3)
205 C - Jerk Fail
205 C - Jerk Fail
205 C - Jerk Fail
205 C - Jerk Fail
205 C - Jerk Fail
185 C - Jerk Fal - by this time im really not happy
Press 135 (2)
KB Press - 35 each arm (5)
44 each arm (2)
53 each arm (2)
The only upside is that the cleans felt pretty easy
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Push IT
Warm Up:
3 Rounds
5 WB Squats
5 WB Lunges
5 WB Push-Ups
10 WB Shots
3 Rounds
5 WB Squats
5 WB Lunges
5 WB Push-Ups
10 WB Shots
Strength: Push Jerk – 5×3 Same weight. No heavier than 135/95
135lbs, 135lbs, 135lbs, 135lbs, 135lbs
9min AMRAP
3 Deadhang Pullups
6 Thrusters 95/65
9 Situps
3 Deadhang Pullups
6 Thrusters 95/65
9 Situps
8 rounds 3 reps
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Double WOD to celebrate my birthday
First WOD was WOD 2 of the WODCLUB Open Crossfit Competition. This one is interesting as it is all about weight moved. You have to find that perfect balance of speed with the right level of weight. I warmed up with 135lbs and knew that would be too heavy for me as I would start to fatigue and with a 2 minute time frame you couldnt slow down. I ended up going 115lbs. Would like to try it again.
This workout was the WODClub Open WOD 1 time on 01/07/2012
In two minutes do reps of for total pounds moved:
You choose the weight and multiply it by total reps for total score.
1 deadlift
1 clean
1 front squat
1 push press/jerk
(back rack)
1 back squat
1 back rack press/jerk.
Each round is 6 reps, score is total reps multiplied by the weight(including bar) in pounds.
Its a modified bear complex, but all movements can flow,
Tonight I shut down a bit early and joined my wife for WOD 2 of the day over at the Craic house.
This workout was the WODClub Open WOD 1 time on 01/07/2012
In two minutes do reps of for total pounds moved:
You choose the weight and multiply it by total reps for total score.
1 deadlift
1 clean
1 front squat
1 push press/jerk
(back rack)
1 back squat
1 back rack press/jerk.
Each round is 6 reps, score is total reps multiplied by the weight(including bar) in pounds.
Its a modified bear complex, but all movements can flow,
Tonight I shut down a bit early and joined my wife for WOD 2 of the day over at the Craic house.
Strength: 30mins to find a 5RM Deadlift for the day
My back is holding up well so I pushed it a little further today.
135 (10) Warm-up
185 (5)
225 (5)
255 (5)
285 (5) all done without reverse grip
315 (5)
345 (5)
365 (5)
6min AMRAP
6 Deadlifts 155/105
6 Knees to elbows
6 Burpees
6min AMRAP
6 Deadlifts 155/105
6 Knees to elbows
6 Burpees
Susie counted for me so all I had to do was just keep moving. 7 rounds plus 8 reps
Monday, January 9, 2012
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Florian Snatch Practice
Just over 6 weeks out until the Crossfit Open competition begins. I will really try to focus on technique and goats for here on it. I wont be able to make any significant strength gains at this point so Im better off getting more efficient. Today was all about that.
Snatch Skills - Doing 3 to 5 reps at a weight that might come up in a compeition - between 75 and 95lbs.
WOD - 3 min drill
Row 500M and then
Max Snatch @ 75lbs
This went really well. For the 500 Row I was in the high 1:30's to low 1:40's and then slowed at the end so i could hit the snatches straight away. Got 21 in about 1:10. I think if I do this one again I will do 300m row and then 21-15-9 of snatche
Snatch Skills - Doing 3 to 5 reps at a weight that might come up in a compeition - between 75 and 95lbs.
WOD - 3 min drill
Row 500M and then
Max Snatch @ 75lbs
This went really well. For the 500 Row I was in the high 1:30's to low 1:40's and then slowed at the end so i could hit the snatches straight away. Got 21 in about 1:10. I think if I do this one again I will do 300m row and then 21-15-9 of snatche

Snatch Skill Work
Just over 6 weeks out until the Crossfit Open competition begins. I will really try to focus on technique and goats for here on it. I wont be able to make any significant strength gains at this point so Im better off getting more efficient. Today was all about that.
Snatch Skills - Doing 3 to 5 reps at a weight that might come up in a compeition - between 75 and 95lbs.
WOD - 3 min drill
Row 500M and then
Max Snatch @ 75lbs
This went really well. For the 500 Row I was in the high 1:30's to low 1:40's and then slowed at the end so i could hit the snatches straight away. Got 21 in about 1:10. I think if I do this one again I will do 300m row and then 21-15-9 of snatches
I will up load the video later.
Snatch Skills - Doing 3 to 5 reps at a weight that might come up in a compeition - between 75 and 95lbs.
WOD - 3 min drill
Row 500M and then
Max Snatch @ 75lbs
This went really well. For the 500 Row I was in the high 1:30's to low 1:40's and then slowed at the end so i could hit the snatches straight away. Got 21 in about 1:10. I think if I do this one again I will do 300m row and then 21-15-9 of snatches
I will up load the video later.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Thats more like it
4 rounds
1 min each station for max reps. 1 min rest between rounds
Air Squat
Kettlebell Swing 53/35
Box Jump 24/20
I messed up and grabbed a 70lb KB and didnt realize it until after the
first round. That was tough!
I got 464 reps 140, 110, 107,107 my KBS dropped off hugely
So last night i get an email from a work colleague asking me If i was doing the WODClub Open. I had no idea what that even was. So I went on line and checked it out and realized they had a masters category. Oh and by the way the first wod deadline was today. I decided that if after I got back from dropping Jack off at a friends if coach Dork was around I would try to get it in. The Stars were aligned and i was able to do it.
The first workout of the 2012 WODClub Open is 'Cindy was a nice Girl'.
10 Min AMRAP Every Rep Counts
Buy in:
50 KB swings at 53 lbs
Then do rounds of:
5 Chest to Bar Pull Ups (Masters Standard Pull Ups)
10 Hand Release Push Ups (feet on 45lb plate)
15 Front Squats at 95lbs for master
208 reps. I was in the top 10 for awhile but that is long gone.
Score is total reps of all movements.
4 rounds
1 min each station for max reps. 1 min rest between rounds
Air Squat
Kettlebell Swing 53/35
Box Jump 24/20
I messed up and grabbed a 70lb KB and didnt realize it until after the
first round. That was tough!
I got 464 reps 140, 110, 107,107 my KBS dropped off hugely
So last night i get an email from a work colleague asking me If i was doing the WODClub Open. I had no idea what that even was. So I went on line and checked it out and realized they had a masters category. Oh and by the way the first wod deadline was today. I decided that if after I got back from dropping Jack off at a friends if coach Dork was around I would try to get it in. The Stars were aligned and i was able to do it.
The first workout of the 2012 WODClub Open is 'Cindy was a nice Girl'.
10 Min AMRAP Every Rep Counts
Buy in:
50 KB swings at 53 lbs
Then do rounds of:
5 Chest to Bar Pull Ups (Masters Standard Pull Ups)
10 Hand Release Push Ups (feet on 45lb plate)
15 Front Squats at 95lbs for master
208 reps. I was in the top 10 for awhile but that is long gone.
Score is total reps of all movements.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Finally Healthy but still discouraged
As I noted the other day i continue to feel better but there has been a big drop off in my strength. Tonights workout looked like this:
20mins to find a 3RM Shoulder press for the day – This will likely not be your true 3RM
7min AMRAP
5 Power Clean 115/85
6 Push Press 115/85
7 Burpees
7min AMRAP
5 Power Clean 115/85
6 Push Press 115/85
7 Burpees
The 3RM press was just sad, in fact worse than sad - lets try pathetic. I went 95, 115, and then couldnt get 3 at 135. Are you kidding me. I hit 145 five times last month. Looks like this goat will be a focus every other day for the next month.
The WOD went better - 6 rounds plus 1 rep.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Happy Anniversary
Today is the 1 year anniversary for Susie at Crossfit Craic. Hard to believe I had to walk her over so she didnt chicken out and skip the appointment I had made for her. I had bought her 5 1x1 training days with John as a XMAS gift. Hard for her to say no to that. Here we are a year later and she has drank the crossfit koolaid. She has so much energy now its a bit scary and I have to say she is looking as good as she ever has at age 40!
Good day at the gym for me. I was very worried about this WOD as i have been just a physical mess for the past month - first the back and then my triceps and then I tweeked my shoulder. I wasnt sure if I would even do the muscle ups or not.
5 Rounds = Felt good. Lacked the explosiveness but wasnt slowed by tricep, back or shoulder. One step forward I will take it.
Good day at the gym for me. I was very worried about this WOD as i have been just a physical mess for the past month - first the back and then my triceps and then I tweeked my shoulder. I wasnt sure if I would even do the muscle ups or not.
Skill: Muscle Ups - I worked on my strict muscle up. I still cant get one but I am getting close. I figure I can do that it will improve my muscle ups overall.
9 min AMRAP
3 Muscle Ups
6 Burpees
9 Wallballs
9 min AMRAP
3 Muscle Ups
6 Burpees
9 Wallballs
I decided to go at this one RX and see what I could do. I have felt especialy weak since I have come back from the back injury.
5 Rounds = Felt good. Lacked the explosiveness but wasnt slowed by tricep, back or shoulder. One step forward I will take it.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Rest Day
Pure Rest day at home in Dedham. That is a super rare occurrence. Now If I could get more than 5-6 hours of sleep I would be rocking! I had an appointment with Nichole McCann who is a massage therapist on the recommendation of Bill Malcolmb. It was fantastic. If I could do that once a week, get ART done and get 8 hours of sleep I would be Rich Froning. Ok so an older Rich Froning, who is slower and weaker but still it would be great.
Monday, January 2, 2012
"Death by 10 Meter Row"...
With a running clock, row 10 meters the first minute, 20 meters the second minute, and so on until you cannot complete the prescribed distance for the current minute. Post your distance for the last (incomplete minute), and the total distance traveled.
Total Distance - 5224 meters
Last distance - 240 meters on round 26
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Sunday, January 1, 2012
1st workout of the year - Open Gym at Florian
Dropped in at Florian for my first workout of 2012. Really beat down. My upper body is a mess - triceps, chest and shoulders are smoked. Focus was on working on some goats. Overhead Squats, and then tuning the muscle ups and double unders as they have really come a long way this year.
Overhead Squats 5x5
115 (5)
135 (5)
165(4) Bar came to far forward and had to dump it
I backed down to work on jerking it into place on the advice of Bill. It was nice that he was watching and ready to give me some pointers.
155 (5)
WOD - after talking it over with Bill we decided on an AMRAP 8
2 Muscle-ups
30 Double Unders
In the warm up the muscle ups were harder than I expected them to be. Clearly im still not recovered from the last few workouts. You can hear in the video Bill suggesting I reduce the AMRAP time and rep scheme since I am at failure pretty quickly. Im hoping that in the next week im back on track as I banged out 10 straight just a month ago. Im not panicking yet but I will soon.
Overhead Squats 5x5
115 (5)
135 (5)
165(4) Bar came to far forward and had to dump it
I backed down to work on jerking it into place on the advice of Bill. It was nice that he was watching and ready to give me some pointers.
155 (5)
WOD - after talking it over with Bill we decided on an AMRAP 8
2 Muscle-ups
30 Double Unders
In the warm up the muscle ups were harder than I expected them to be. Clearly im still not recovered from the last few workouts. You can hear in the video Bill suggesting I reduce the AMRAP time and rep scheme since I am at failure pretty quickly. Im hoping that in the next week im back on track as I banged out 10 straight just a month ago. Im not panicking yet but I will soon.
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